Identify and Analyse the Implications of Strategic Change Management


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Assignment Details:-
  • Topic: Strategic Change Management
  • Words: 5000




Module description

This course defines sequential process, role and dynamics to organizational change, which imparts the skills and knowledge to support active engagement in the process of strategic change management and further highlights ways of dealing with it. It focuses on need, phases and conditions for successful organizational change. The knowledge developed as part of the module assists in real-world decision making. Different organizational interventions are also incorporated. The SCM module is designed to help students understand the dynamics of Strategic Change Management.


Learning Outcomes

LO1. Identify and analyse the implications for managing strategic change in supporting organisational transformation.

LO2. Analyse the organisational management challenges faced during the transformation and changes experienced by the organisation.

LO3. Analyse and evaluate the significance of strategy employed in trying to bring about an effective change management in an organisation. How does this impact leadership and human behaviour in the organisation.

LO4. Evaluate different change management theories propounded on management and leadership attributes which leads to enhanced contribution by managers and the employees.



  1. Materials Access

All learning materials are provided in the form of a module kit and can be accessed from the Learning Management system (LMS)


  1. Learning Hours

Students need to be aware of their commitment requirements in regard to study time. In order to give you an indication of that, we have based the following information on the United Kingdom (UK) Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency guidelines.  “The notional learning hours associated with qualifications, programmes and individual units of study are based on a broad agreement across institutions that students can expect to spend 10 hours learning on average in order to gain one academic credit unit” (QAA 2006).


  1. Re-sit

If you do not secure a pass, please read closely the feedback and speak with your Course leader(s) or faculty. After consulting the feedback, close attention is essential to rework on the areas of weakness, and thenresubmit the work at the next opportunity. As per the QAA requirements, only one REDO is allowed where the marks will be capped at a Pass.


  1. Plagiarism

All forms of plagiarism are taken seriously, and any suspected cases will be investigated thoroughly. If a case is found proven, then the work will be graded as a fail and the case will be reviewed by the academic committee.


  1. Student appeals

There are no re-evaluations as the marks are graded and internally verified before release. However, as per our appeals policy, a student can make an appeal to the course leader which will be then reviewed by the academic committee (please check our academic policies and procedures manual for more information)


  1. Assignment submission extensions

Students can apply for extensions via the LMS based on extenuating circumstances (if any) with evidence (proof) as per our extensions policy.


General Guidelines

  1. Complete the ‘To be filled by the student section’ in the cover page.
  2. All assignments must be submitted as an electronic document in MS word via the LMS (Use 12 Times New Roman script with 1.5 spacing between lines)
  3. The results are declared only if the student has met the mandatory attendance requirement of 75% and/or minimum 50 % under extenuating circumstancesapproved and ratified by the academic committee and the examination board.
  4. The assignment should not contain any contents with references cited from websites such as,,,, Wikipedia but should contain references/citations from credible academic journal and articles.
  5. Submit the assignment in MS word document with the file name being:

First Name Last Name _ Module Code

Example: John Smith_GM701



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