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Evaluation: Although having different schedules, all group members made an effort to attend the important meeting. Our first impression was well received as the relationship between Smile Train and T. Cross. Founders only processed ever since the meeting.
However, I noticed an ongoing habit to carry out the task as quickly as possible, resulting in deterioration of the quality of work although group offered due to slots for. Meeting the rushed approach caused the questions to be unclear and unfocused Thus. I had to prO0fread and change the questions, iesIncling the group’s efficiency and flow.
Analysis: Looking back at the efforts I put into this project. Specifically, in this meeting, I realize that the most significant motivational factor for mo self -actualization (Maslow, .31. The highest level in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs refers to “being the best you can be” Hoang, 2014, Meeting with a representative from a globally known charity to help children in need. It encouraged me to give my full effort and nothing less. However, by being too self.
Focused: I had not corrected myself to motivate others. T. multi-level motivational model below postulates that strong team performance is required before individual empowered motivation (Chen et al., 2009) Therefore, I would have to establish a mutual driving force for the team first. To stem a top-down effect producing prevalent. Immediate. And power ul” (Klein and Kozlowski, 2000. Mathieu and Taylor 2007, personal incentives for others to commute, even mom.
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