SCM080 Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics Course Work


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Assessment Details:-

  • Course Code: SCM080
  • Course Title: MSc Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics
  • Words: 2500


Course Work Description:


Describe and analyse the strategic and operational implications of configuring a global logistics network of a company of your choice. It can be your company or a company in which you would like to work in the future. To analyse the company, use publicly available data, such as from news media, annual reports and industry reports. Additionally, you may use personal insights and observations, if you are working or have worked for the company.

  1. Discuss the major challenges the company’s global logistics networks faces. (50 marks)
  2. Make a recommendation on how the firm can manage these challenges. (50 marks)


You may have an introduction, where you discuss the background of the company, for example, its product / market / industry background. A conclusion section can be used to add any other interesting points about its global logistics network.

When preparing coursework you should:

  • Conduct research and synthesise different streams of information and data;
  • Identify and use appropriate concepts and frameworks from the module;
  • Develop a systematic, realistic and credible recommendation for the global logistics network;
  • Communicate clearly and present your work to professional


Additional to the general assessment criteria, your work will be assed according to following criteria:

Meeting assignment objective – was the objective understood?
Research – was relevant data collected for the analysis and final recommendations?
Theory to practice – is there a clear link from theory learned from the course to structure thinking,

analyse the case, and build credibility for practical actions?

Recommendations – did suggested actions follow logically from the data and analysis?
Presentation – was the project clearly structured, explained well, and produced to good standard?
Knowledge and understanding – is there clear evidence of knowledge and understanding of the theories and concepts from the academic literature discussed in class, from the reading list and from

wider reading?

Argument, structure, and style – was the work structured with clarity, relevance and coherence; ability to argue a case; clear evidence of analysis and logical thought; use of evidence to support

arguments; appropriate academic style with correct referencing?

Critical analysis – is there critically engagement and evaluation with material; recognition of alternative interpretations; synthesis of the literature showing willingness to apply an independent

approach or interpretation; avoidance of excessive generalisations or gross oversimplifications?




Assessment Criteria:

Please refer to Appendix B of the Programme Regulations for detailed Assessment Criteria.



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Penalties for exceeding the word count:

There are penalties for exceeding the specified word count.

  • The maximum word limit for this coursework assignment is 2,500 words (excluding the list of references).
  • You may use less than 2,500 words but in so doing you may be penalising yourself as it is likely to be challenging to respond to the coursework
  • You MUST state an accurate word count (excluding the list of references) at the end of your work. If you do not state an accurate word count your mark will be reduced by 5
  • The content within the main body of text comprises the overall word count, including in-text citations, references, quotes, heading and sub-headings. The cover page, reference list and any appendices do not count towards the overall word
  • If you submit more than 2,500 words the following penalties apply:
  1. Up to 5% more than 2,500 words – no penalty
  2. 5% to 10% more than 2,500 words – your mark will be reduced by 5 marks;
  3. For more than 10% than 2,500 words you will receive zero marks for this


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