Role of Team Leader Assessments

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Role of Team Leader


Criteria reference To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: Task no
P5 Explain the importance of the role and

responsibilities of the team leader in two contrasting businesses.





Describe the attributes and qualities of the team leader in two contrasting business teams.  




Assess how well the team performed in meeting its objectives.  




Demonstrate effective teamworking skills that contribute to meeting the objectives of a business team, including taking responsibility for own work.  




Assess how the team leader contributes to the effectiveness of a selected business team.  




Demonstrate effective teamworking skills that contribute to meeting the objectives of a business

team, including taking responsibility for own work and overcoming barriers





Assess how well the team performed in meeting its objectives, including how conflict was managed and

resolved and how barriers were overcome.





Evaluate the effectiveness of a team leader in

ensuring a selected business team meets its objectives.




D3 Evaluate own contribution to the effectiveness of a business team in meeting its objectives. 1


Recommend improvements to the performance of the team to ensure it continues to meet its

objectives in the future.






You have been asked by Youth Centre to participate in a group challenge. As part of this you must write a report explaining the importance of a team leader for any businesses. You must also participate in a group activity of your choice, duly agreed by your assessor. You must fully participate in all the group meetings. Every team member of the group MUST be a group leader AT LEAST ONCE. You must keep a record of all meetings attended with minutes of each meeting.


Task 1


You must choose two Contrasting Businesses (for ex- one from Retail and other from Hospitality) and write a report clearly explaining:


  • Identify the importance of roles and responsibilities of Team Leader for both the businesses.


  • Describe the characteristics and qualities of the team leader for both the


  • Choose one of the business teams and assess/analyse how the team leader makes the team more effective by making their contribution/s.


For the chosen business evaluate the effectiveness of team leader in meeting the team objectives.


Task 2


You MUST demonstrate effective team working skills that contribute to meeting the objectives of a business team, including taking responsibility of your own work. You will be observed as part of the group during ALL stages of planning through to delivery of the challenge.


You MUST design a report that assesses how well your team has performed individually and as a group in meeting the overall team objective. Your team’s objective is to work on a task (which you would have agreed on with your assessor).


You must demonstrate during the challenge effective team working skills that contribute to meeting the objectives of a business team, including taking responsibility for your own work and overcoming barriers.


You MUST include in your report how well the team has performed in meeting its objectives- individually, and as a group. You MUST include how the team and you have managed conflict/s, how they were resolved clearly specifying, how barriers were overcome during the team task.


You MUST now extend your report to include an evaluation of what you did well as team leader and as a group member and an evaluation of your contribution to the effectiveness of the team in meetings its objective. You MUST also recommend improvements to the performance of yourself and the other group members to ensure that it continues to meet its objectives in the future.


Evidence you must produce for this task


  • Report


  • Observation Records


  • Feedback forms


  • Minutes of meeting records


Criteria covered by this task:


To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: Unit Criterion reference
Explain the importance of the role and responsibilities of the team leader in two contrasting businesses  




Describe the attributes and qualities of the team leader in two contrasting business teams.  




Assess how well the team performed in meeting its objectives. 11 P7
Demonstrate effective teamworking skills that contribute to meeting the objectives of a business team, including taking responsibility for own work  




Assess how the team leader contributes to the effectiveness of a selected business team.  




Demonstrate effective teamworking skills that contribute to meeting the objectives of a business team, including taking

responsibility for own work and overcoming barriers.





Assess how well the team performed in meeting its objectives, including how conflict was managed and resolved and how barriers were overcome.  




Evaluate the effectiveness of a team

leader in ensuring a selected business team meets its objectives.





Evaluate own contribution to the effectiveness of a business team in meeting its objectives. 11 D3
Recommend improvements to the performance of the team to ensure it continues to meet its objectives in the future 11 D4


If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criteria have been met.
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: Unit Criterion reference
Outline the role and responsibilities of a team leader in two

business teams.





Identify the attributes and qualities of the team leader in two business teams.  





What is a team?


2A.P1 Describe the characteristics of two effective business teams.  


2A.P2 Explain the importance of the stages of team development in a selected business team  


2A.P3 Explain the importance of a team role theory in a selected business team.  


2A.P4 Describe, using examples, the behaviours needed for effective teamwork.  




Assess, using examples, the importance of the stages of team development and team role theory in developing an effective business team.  





Assess the benefits of team working for the business and individual team member of a selected business  


2A.D1 Evaluate the effectiveness of a selected business team.  


Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.




After successfully completing your business course you have now started your own business and have decided to implement some of the ideas you learnt on your business course.


You are already aware of the need for your employees to work as a team, but you are not sure what this demands and have decided to carry out more research into teams and team working.


Task 1


To help both you and your new employees you have decided to put the information that you have researched into a user-friendly report that can be used to help train your staff in working as a team.


This report should include information on:


  • A description of what a team is, including a definition you have


  • A brief description of the four main types of business teams with an example for each


  • Select two SUCCESSFUL business teams (any organisation of your choice) and describe the characteristics that have made them


For one of the selected business teams, now include:


  • A description of the Tuckman model of team development and explain the importance of each stage of development for a selected business team.


  • Briefly describe what is meant by team role theory by carefully reviewing Belbin’s You must also include the contribution of each role to the team for a selected business team.


  • An assessment of how important team development and team role theory can be in developing an effective team, give


  • Include a description of the behaviours needed for effective Give examples


  • An assessment of the benefits of team working for an individual team member and a selected


The conclusion to your report should have an evaluation of the effectiveness of your selected business team.


Evidence you must produce for this task ●        Signed and dated front sheet

●        Report

Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: Unit Criterion reference
Describe the characteristics of two effective business teams. 11 2A.P1
Explain the importance of the stages of team development in a selected business team 11 2A.P2
Explain the importance of a team role theory in a selected business team. 11 2A.P3
Describe, using examples, the behaviours needed for effective teamwork. 11 2A.P4
Assess, using examples, the importance of the stages of team development and team role theory in developing an effective business team.  




Assess the benefits of team working for the business and individual team member of a selected business 11 2A.M2
Evaluate the effectiveness of a selected business team. 11 2A.D1
Sources of information 3250.html

If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criteria have been met.
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: Unit Criterion reference
Identify the characteristics of two effective business teams. 11 1A.1
Outline the importance of the stages of team development in a selected business team. 11 1A.2
Outline the importance of team role theory in a selected business team. 11 1A.3
Identify the behaviours needed for effective teamwork. 11 1A.4


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