Marketing Management Case Study – Renova Toilet Paper: Escaping the Commoditization Trap
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Assignment Details:
Subject:: Marketing
Deadline :*: As Per Requirments
Words/Pages:: 5pages / 1500 words
Referencing Style:: NA
“Renova Toilet Paper: Escaping the Commoditization Trap”
Answer the following questions:
1. (10%). Define the managerial challenge the brand is facing, briefly state the optional strategies
2. (25%). Analyze the business environment: (Company/Brand, Competition, Market/Customers)
3. (15%). Recommend ONE strategic option. Explain and justify it while considering the risks. To what extent is this strategy in line with the company’s overall vision?
4. (10%). Is the recommended strategy targeting the Brand’s current market/segment or new market/segment?
5. (20%). How does the recommended strategy align with the brand’s current positioning? Should the brand change its value proposition? If so, how? If not, why?
6. (20%). Describe in detail the Product/s that Renova should offer. Explain how they fit with your answers in questions 3-5.
Remember to base your answers only on the information given in the case. Disregard information from other sources (including web solutions) or knowledge about what happened after the case was written.
Case Preparation
Read the case at least twice, first to obtain an overview of the facts and issues, then to record and critically assess the issues at hand. After the first reading, carefully review the questions provided below. You may find it useful to take notes during the second reading and mark up the case to help you create a framework for discussion. Consider the following questions:
1. What’s the problem? Common marketing problems include: should the firm enter or not enter a business area (go/no-go decisions); which area of the market should they enter (product decisions; market decisions); which customer group(s) should they target; how to defend against or attack competition; how to position a brand, etc.
2. What are the pros and cons of decision alternatives? These are usually implicitly or explicitly provided in the case, but you should feel free to go beyond those that are given as long as you can defend your decision with sound rationale.
3. What data or other quantitative information is available and how can it be best employed? If a case provides data, it’s likely that the case writer wants you to use that data to help formulate your conclusions.
4. What are the company’s strengths and weaknesses? Examples of areas that could be strengths or weaknesses, including brand name, customer franchise, superior technology, costs of production, experience, suppliers, distribution channels, financials, technology, and operations.
5. What are the environmental opportunities and threats? These include changes in the overall environment e.g. changes in the economy, socio-political climate, customer demographics, government regulations, consumer attitudes, competitive environment and technology.
6. What is your recommended course(s) of action with supporting strategic and/or tactical rationale? What is your implementation plan? What do you think you will achieve through the plan?
7. A typical wrap-up question at the end of a case discussion is: What is the answer? In fact, there might not always be a single correct answer. In most case discussions there can be several viable “answers” or alternatives that may be developed and supported by different participants in the class. What is important, therefore, is developing an ability to think critically about the rationale and pros/cons for each alternative.
8. In summary, you should analyze the situation, identify key issues/problems to tackle, carefully consider the available options, and decide on a strategy and implementation with supporting rationale. Finally, you should be fully prepared to verbally propose and persuasively defend.
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