Procurement and Risk Management Assignment Task


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Assignment Details:-

  • Topic: Procurement and risk management
  • Document Type: Assignment Help (any type)
  • Subject: Business
  • Number of Words: 1500
  • Citation/Referencing Style: Havard


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Assessment Details

Leading companies have recognised that strategic procurement can play a key role in minimizing waste and linked costs in the value chain and thus assisting an organization to achieve competitive advantage. For this purpose, organisations aim to constantly improve their procurement processes by evaluating their supply base and sourcing methods. They aim to develop collaborative relationships in an effort to move from tactical procurement to proactive long-term planning, and thus achieve the greatest returns and maximise the value of goods and services for their customers. However, organisations must ensure that supply-related risks are minimised and opportunities maximised when engaging in procurement activities.


For an organisation of your choice, you are asked to:

a) To critically examine their procurement methods and how they manage their supply base (50%).


b) To evaluate the procurement and supply-based risks and opportunities faced by the organisation through the production of a risk assessment and suggest ways in which the organisation can improve its procurement activities to deal with these (50%).


a) To critically examine their procurement methods and how they manage their supply base

  • Worth 50% of your assignment mark.
  • How do they engage and work with suppliers?
  • E.g.:
  • Use of technology/software/collaboration?
  • Single sourcing? Multi sourcing?
  • Supplier selection?
  • Auditing/supplier reviews?
  • Etc.


b) To evaluate the procurement and supply-based risks and opportunities faced by the organization through the production of a risk assessment and suggest ways in which the organisation can improve its procurement activities to deal with these

  • Worth 50% of your assignment mark.
  • Identify risks facing the procurement/supply of the business.
  • Assess them – what is the probability and severity of the identified risks?
  • Quantify/score the probability/severity.
  • How can the organisation mitigate/management these risks?
  • Produce a table to show this.
  • Provide some targeted discussion afterwards.


Please follow a report format. Therefore, you should have a title page, contents page, sections and sub sections, page numbers, appendix section etc. Please note if you are uncertain on how to present and structure a report then visit the university library and ask for assistance.


Please do use diagrams, illustrations, tables, graphics etc. wherever these are helpful, and remember that these do not count towards your word limit. If you do use these, please do not put them in the appendices if they are part of your discussion. Appendices are the appropriate places to put supporting material, however, remember if the reader is satisfied with the main points of your discussion; the supporting information within the appendices may not even be reviewed.


Please try to use theory explicitly at all stages, but do not spend too much time describing a theory. While you must be explicit about the theories, models, techniques etc. that you use, you can assume that the reader is familiar with them. What the reader requires is evidence of your ability to understand and apply the theory and learn from in order to support the development of your findings and/or ideas.


You must cite all sources on which you have relied, for example textbooks, journal articles, web pages etc. using the Harvard Bibliographic referencing system. If you do not cite all sources, then you may be accused of plagiarism, and that may endanger your success in passing the module. If you are in any doubt about how to reference your work, please obtain guidance from the library and/or your academic librarian(s) for this module.


You will also need to take the following into account when completing your assignment:

  • Quality of executive summary (does it give a brief complete summary of your paper for an executive to read?)
  • Establishment of relevant theory (e.g. what do we mean by global sourcing?)
  • Allocation of credit and sources used (have I included references and citations to the material I have used?)
  • Clarity of argument
  • Overall report presentation including spelling and grammar
  • Adherence to nominated word limit (+/- 10%)
  • Word processed (letter size 12, times new roman, 1.5 space), fully referenced (Harvard Referencing System).


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