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MBA 206 Research Methodologies for Management Decision


Q 1. Answer all the questions:


1) Explain quantitative and qualitative research.


2) What is probability sampling?


3) What is a Hypothesis?


4) Explain graphic rating scale?


5) What is ANOVA?


Note: Answer Any Two Questions. (Word limits 500)


Q 2. Examine the merits and limitations of the observation method in collecting material illustrate your answer with suitable examples.


Q 3. Explain the research process in detail.


Q 4. Explain the significance of a research report and narrate the various steps involved read and writing such a report.

Max. Marks: 15


Research Methodology for Management Decision


Internal Assignment No. 2


Q 1. Answer all the questions:


1) What is descriptive research?


2) Explain non-probability sampling.


3) What is multivariate techniques?


4) Define Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.


5) What is chi-square test? Write its formula.


Note: Answer Any Two Questions. (Word limits 500)


Q 2. State merits and demerits in collecting data of a questionnaires. Describe main aspects of a questionnaire.


Q 3. Discuss the characteristics of hypothesis. Explain type I and type II errors in the context of testing of hypothesis.


Q 4. What do you mean by “Sample Design”, What points should be taken into consideration by research in developing a sample design for the research project.

Max. Marks: 15


Reference ID: #getanswers2001115


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