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MBA 205 Productions and Operations Management
Internal Assignment No. 1
Q 1. Answer all the questions:
(i) Define operations management.
(ii) Name any four factors affecting plant location.
(iii) Draw the input output process diagram.
(iv) What are the qualitative factor analysis models?
(v) Write the different types of facility layout.
Note: Answer Any Two Questions. (Word limits 500)
Q 2. Explain the concept of ABC analysis with an example.
Q 3. What do you understand by TQM? and Explain the Role of TQM in an organization.
Q 4. What do you understand by capacity planning? Explain the decision tree modeling for capacity expansion.
Max. Marks: 15
Master of Business Administration / PGDM
Internal Assignment No. 2
Q 1. Answer all the questions:
(i) What are two major responsibilities of operations manager?
(ii) What do you understand by CPM?
(iii) Write the concept of EOQ.
(iv) What are the types of costs to be considered for Inventory Management?
(v) What is work study or Work Measurement?
Note: Answer Any Two Questions. (Word limits 500)
Q 2. Define Plant Layout. Explain all the factors to be considered while selection the suitable layout for the plant.
Q 3. ”Explain any 5 difference between PERT and CPM.
Q 4. What is MRP? Write the objectives and advantages of MRP.
Max. Marks: 15
Reference ID: #getanswers2001114
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