Maintaining a Safe Working Environment Assignments


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Assignment Detail:

  • Words: 4500




Unit Reference Number R/617/9092
Unit Title Maintaining a Safe Working Environment
Unit Level 5
Number of Credits 12
Total Qualification Time (TQT) 120 hours
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) 40
Mandatory / Optional Mandatory
Unit Grading Structure Pass / Fail


Unit Aims

The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the critical technical knowledge that underpins the maintenance of safe working environments. This covers a wide range of aspects of the work environment and factors that must be considered by health and safety managers and those responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the workforce. This unit takes the learner on a journey through the immediate work environment, risk analysis and control for a range of workplace contexts that may be encountered, fire safety and protection against explosion, management of hazardous substances and materials, and management of workplace equipment and machinery. This unit intends to build upon the learners previous grounding in occupational health and safety, and covers the technical knowledge required by a learner/practitioner who wishes to develop in a range of managerial roles.


Learning Outcomes, Assessment Criteria and Indicative Content


Learning Outcomes- Assessment Criteria-
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand the range of factors 1.1 Outline the critical factors when maintaining the
to consider to maintain a safe working environment, ie temperature, light,
work environment. space, ergonomics, lifts, access.
1.2 Justify the full range of welfare facilities that
must be available in a workplace.
1.3 Explain the hazards and risks posed by electrics
in an organisation
1.4 Review and evaluate control measures for
electrics in relation to current legislation.
1.5 Assess the hazards and risks associated with
the structural integrity of buildings.
1.6 Review and evaluate control measures for
structural integrity in relation to current
2. Understand the hazards, risks 2.1 Evaluate the control measures in place within
and controls applicable to a your organisation to control the following risks:
range of workplace contexts. o temporary works
o workplace transport
o working in confined spaces
o working at height
o lone working
o manual handling.


2.2 Outline the types of noise and vibration, the
effects of being exposed to these, and their
control measures.
2.3 Explain the measurement, assessment and
methods to control exposure to noise and
2.4 Describe effects of being exposed to the
different types of radiation.
2.5 Explain the measurement, assessment and
methods to control exposure to different types of
3. Understand the maintenance of 3.1 Outline the ways that common flammable and
fire safety and protection against explosive materials can catch fire.
explosion. 3.2 Describe the behaviour of buildings and building
contents in the event of a fire.
3.3 Explain the hazards, risks, and control measures
in an organisation (including detection systems,
alarm systems and evacuation procedures
currently in use) for prevention and
protection against fire and explosion.
3.4 Outline the factors that must be considered to
ensure safe and effective fire-fighting and
egress in the event of different types of fire.
4. Understand safe storage, 4.1 Outline how hazardous substances are
handling and management of classified and the effects of their exposure to
hazardous substances, human health.
including biological agents. 4.2 Explain the key standards for safe storage,
handling and transport of hazardous substances
in an organisation.
4.3 Outline the features of effective risk assessment
and measures of control for exposure to
hazardous substances in line with the hierarchy
of control.
4.4 Describe the control measures for working with
asbestos and lead.
4.5 Explain the factors to consider when choosing
appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) and requirements for PPE in an
4.6 Explain the impact of hazardous work
environments on the installation and use of
electrical systems and equipment.
5. Understand safe management 5.1 Explain the selection criteria for work equipment
of work equipment and for specific tasks and processes in order to
machinery. manage risk.
5.2 Explain the key safety characteristics, including
protective devices, of general workplace
machinery control systems.
5.3 Explain the features of effective risk
assessment and control measures for work
equipment and machinery, including the skills,
training and supervision to install, test, maintain
and operate equipment.


  • Outline the main hazards and control measures associated with mobile work


  • Outline the main hazards and control measures


Task 1 of 5 – Report – Assessment Criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6




Provide a detailed account of how the organisation ensures a safe working environment is maintained.

The following must be included:


  • An outline of the critical factors when maintaining a safe working environment making reference to the following: temperature, light, space, ergonomics, lifts,


  • A justification of the organisation welfare facilities in terms of current


  • An explanation of hazards and risks posed by electricity within the organisation or the organisations work and provide a review and evaluation of control measures in line with current


  • An explanation of the impact of working in hazardous environments on the installation and use of electrical systems and


  • An assessment of the hazards and risks associated with structural integrity of buildings with may impact an


  • A review and evaluation of control measures associated with structural integrity of buildings in relation current


Delivery and Submission:


  • Report in Word format


  • Word count: 1000 words


  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text. A 10% leeway either side of this range is permitted before the assessor is instructed to stop reading any further.




  • You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable


  • A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the Work.


Task 2 of 5 – Report – Assessment Criteria 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5




Assess workplace approaches to noise, vibration, and radiation.


The following must be included:


  • An outline the different types of noise and vibration and the effects of being exposed to these hazards, and their control


  • An explanation of ways to measure and assess exposure to noise and vibration and control measures to reduce the risk from


  • A description of the effects of being exposed to the different types of


  • An explanation of the ways measure and assess exposure to radiation and control measures to reduce the risk from exposure to different types of radiation.


Delivery and Submission:


  • Report in Word format


  • Word count: 500 words


  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text. A 10% leeway either side of this range is permitted before the assessor is instructed to stop reading any further.




  • You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable


  • A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.


Task 3 of 5 – Report – Assessment Criteria 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4




Assess the organisations Fire Management Plan.


The following must be included:


  • An outline of the ways that common flammable and explosive materials can catch


  • A description of the behaviour of buildings and their contents in the event of a



  • An explanation of the hazards, risks and controls measures with the organisation for the prevention and protection against fire and explosion (including detection systems, alarm systems and evacuation procedures in place within the organisation).


  • An outline of the factors that must be considered to ensure safe and effective firefighting and egress in the event of a fire within the work.


Delivery and Submission:


  • Report in Word format


  • Word count: 1000 words


  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text. A 10% leeway either side of this range is permitted before the assessor is instructed to stop reading any further.



  • You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable


  • A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.


Task 4 of 5 – Report – Assessment Criteria 4.1, 4.2 , 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6




Carry out an assessment of an organisation’s management of hazardous substances


The following must be included:


  • An outline of how hazardous substances are classified and the effects of their exposure to human


  • An explanation of the key standards for safe storage, handling and transportation of hazardous substances in relation to the


  • An outline of the features of effective risk assessment and control measures for minimising and reducing exposure to hazardous substance in accordance with the hierarchy of


  • A description of the control measures for working with asbestos and


  • An explanation of factors to consider when selecting appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in relation to organisational risks.

Delivery and Submission:


  • Report in Word format


  • Word count: 1000 words


  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text. A 10% leeway either side of this range is permitted before the assessor is instructed to stop reading any further.



  • You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable


  • A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the


Task 5 of 5 – Report – Assessment Criteria 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5




Carry out an assessment of the organisation’s management of work equipment and machinery.


The following must be included:


  • An explanation of the criteria for the selection of safe work equipment for organisational tasks and the processes for managing associated


  • An explanation of the key safety characteristics, including protective devices of general

workplace machinery control systems.


  • An explanation of the features of effective risk assessment and control measures for workplace equipment and machinery within the organisation (including skills, training, and supervision to install, test, maintain and operate equipment).


  • An outline of the main hazards and control measures associated with mobile work


  • An outline of the main hazards and control measures associated with lift


Delivery and Submission:


  • Report in Word format


  • Word count: 1000 words


  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text. A 10% leeway either side of this range is permitted before the assessor is instructed to stop reading any further.




  • You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work


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