HLTWHS002 Follow Safe Work Practices for Direct Client Care Case Study Assessment Answers


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Assessment Method 1 – Short Answer Questions

  • Briefly answer the questions below in the spaces provided. Use the space provided as a guide to the length of your
  • Where there is multiple choice or true-false, circle the correct answer
  • This must be your own work
  • You cannot use any resources for this assessment
  • You must get a satisfactory response for each question
  • You have 60 minutes to complete this assessment
  1. When delivery home care and community care, aged care and disability services you need to be aware of hazards that may be present in a work
    1. What is a Hazard?
    2. Hazards can arise from
  2. List 2 (two) functions of a health and safety representative:
  3. Give an example of a risk you are aware of that is associated with driving and/or travelling with clients. What procedures would you follow to minimise
  4. Why is it extremely important to follow organisation policies and procedures when working in a new environment
  5. Give an example of a lifting task that could be a manual handling hazard associated with aged care that you need to be able to identify?
  6. Give an example of a pushing/pulling task that could be a manual handling hazard associated with aged care that you need to be able to identify?
    1. What postures would you adopt when carrying out the following tasks:
    • Restraining a person
    • Transferring a person from a chair to a wheelchair
    • Carrying a tray of food
  7. If you were moving a person in bed how would the manual handling hazards risks be increased if the person was unable to support their whole body?
  8. Give an example for when you would use the following types of manual handling equipment:
    • Client hoists
    • Standing lifters
    • Slide sheets
  9. Give an example where there may be sources of risk to your personal safety when providing direct care services within care settings?
  10. Give two (2) examples of where would you find information about the threats of risk and people-related factors?
  11. Give an example of where there may be a source of infection when working with people in aged care environments:
  12. Give three (3) examples of standard precautions that you can put in place to prevent the spread of infection as part of your work routine:
  13. Give an example of when you have had to use additional infection control procedures in your workplace. What was the precaution?
  14. List some of the sources of infection in care settings for workers?
  15. Who are the designated personnel in your workplace who you would report hazards to?
  16. List three (3) formats of how work instructions could be given to you in any workplace?
  17. List workplace procedures for dealing with incidents, fire and/or hazardous events?
  18. List a few behaviours of concern and strategies to minimise the risk as per organisational procedures?

Assessment Method 2 – Project

Read the instructions below before commencing this project:

Learner’s Name:
Assessor’s Name:
Training Package:
Workplace/simulated workplace:
Date of assessment:
Project Instructions:
·       You are required to research the following topics and answer the questions within each topic

·       Make sure you write clearly and legibly

·       The length of the answer is indicated by the instructions for each task

·       You must complete all tasks to a satisfactory level

·       Your assessor will provide you with timeframes to complete this assessment

·       It must be your own work

  1. List the organisation procedures that are in place for minimizing risk in your workplace.
  2. Identify the Manual Handling Code of Practice for the state that you work   What is the purpose of the Manual Handling Code of Practice?
  3. What is the ‘three-stage approach’ to manual handling and what does it involve?
  4. What should you do to prevent infection if you have cuts, abrasions or a skin disorder?
  5. Outline the steps you can take to minimise/eliminate the following hazards:
    • A person you work with has suffered damage to his nervous system and as a result, he is unable to recognize the need to use the toilet. Although he uses a catheter, from time to time it has not been changed frequently enough as it has overflowed causing urine to spill onto the floor.
    • Using the risk assessment forms and following the correct procedure for your workplace, assess the level of risk for this to reoccur and outline the steps that can be put in place to minimise this from happening on a regular basis
  6. Explain how to assess the risk using the tools described in the Manual Handling Code of practice (or equivalent) for own State or territory?
  7. Explain why is it important to recognise control measures for manual handling risk, including eliminating manual handling wherever possible?
  8. Explain why is it important to follow established manual handling procedures and work instructions for minimising manual handling activity/ risk?
  9. If you are understaffed and is going through stress and fatigue, how would you manage? Whom do you report to at the workplace?
  10. Why is it important to conduct an environmental assessment to identify potential sources of risk to personal safety
    1. List step by step procedure to deal with the following
    • Incident: Fall
    • Fire at workplace
    • Evacuation
  11. What is debriefing? Why is it important to address individual needs in the workplace?
  12. List 2 examples of the task and/or job-specific WHS issues, you have raised with appropriate people in accordance with workplace procedures and relevant WHS legislative requirements?
  13. Explain why is it important to participate in maintaining currency of safe work practices in the workplace within organisation procedures and the scope of responsibilities and competencies?
  14. Explain why is it important to provide feedback to supervisor on hazards in the work area in line with organisation WHS policies and procedures?
  15. Describe employee rights and employer obligations regarding consultation on WHS matters?
Resources required for Portfolio
Assessment will require access to:

–     Client handling and mobility devices commonly used in the industry sector including patient hoists, standing lifter, wheelchair, slide sheets and other client assistive devices and mobility aids

–     Recognized risk control strategies

–     Appropriate equipment

–     Workplace health and safety policies and procedures

–     Other related policies and procedures

–     Duties, statements and/or job descriptions

– Sample care plans

Practical Assessment Instructions


The trainer/ assessor will inform you of any significant errors or misjudgements throughout the procedure and give valuable feedback to you for the rectification of the problem.

If the result of the assessment is that you are Not Yet Satisfactory, you may be required to retake the assessment.

Identify sources of risk to personal safety, assess the level of risk and follow risk minimisation procedures,

You are required to carry out the following four manual handling tasks. During each task, you must verbally explain to the trainer/assessor the step-by-step procedures, identify what the possible risks are to your personal safety and explain how you would minimise or eliminate the risk where possible. You must ensure that you follow established handling procedures that are in the organisation’s work instructions along with following guidelines outlined in the Manual Handling Code of Practice for your state.

a.    The manual handling tasks that you must complete are: Moving a person in bed. Be aware of posture, movement, environmental conditions, equipment involved, and frequency of the task. However, these tasks may be changed depending on the facilities and equipment available at the time of assessment.

Identify sources of infection and apply industry accepted practice to minimise the risk of infection to themselves, clients and others,

b.    You are required to demonstrate the correct way to wash and dry your hands(Hand Washing) thoroughly in order to prevent infection and also put on and remove gloves to prevent any substance coming in contact with your skin.

Follow procedures and strategies for risk control,

1.    Scenario: You have commenced your shift in the aged care facility that you work in. You are about to enter the bedroom of Mr Smith to collect his teacup and plate as he has had afternoon tea in his bedroom. Mr Smith spends most of his day in

his bed. Unfortunately, Mr Smith was unable to get a strong grip on his teacup and as a result, he knocked his cup against the water jug which spilt from the bed- table, down onto the side of the bed and onto the floor. The floor is very slippery and you have identified a potential hazard.

  1. You took the required steps to take action to contain the damage and have cleaned up the affected area. Now you must report the hazard. Using your organisation’s hazard report form and following workplace procedures you must report the hazard to the designated personnel. For assessment purposes, the designated personnel is your trainer/assessor

1a Primary Skill Assessment

Candidate name:
Assessor name:
Primary Skill: Moving the Person Up in Bed with a Slide Sheet
Place of Assessment:
Date of assessment: 1st 2nd
Time of Assessment: 1st 2nd

As you progress through this Primary Skill assessment you will need to read each of the items in the left-hand column to make sure you complete the task correctly. Your assessor will place a C or NYC in the boxes next to each part of the task during an assessment. The assessor will complete the column on the right-hand side listing any procedures/settings considered not being competently adhered to. These steps are critical to the performance of each task

Before you begin you will need to confirm that you understand the following safety alert;
Lifting and Moving Persons in Bed

For safety and efficiency, decide how you will move the person before starting the procedure. If you need help from a co-worker, ask someone to help before you begin. Also plan how to protect drainage tubes or containers connected to the person. Beds are raised horizontally to lift and move persons in bed. This reduces bending and reaching. You must:

·         Use the bed correctly

·         Protect the person from falling when the bed is raised

·         Follow the rules of body mechanics

·         Keep the person in good alignment

·         Position the person in good alignment after lifting or moving


I can confirm that I understand the above safety alert and will apply it to the best of my abilities:


Candidate Signature:


Assessor Signature:

Assessors note: Please date any comments to avoid confusion. If not enough space please use the Comments page at the end of this Primary Skill Assessment.
C = Competent/ NYC = Not Yet Competent 1st 2nd
1 Follow Delegation Guidelines: Lifting and Moving Persons in Bed. See Safety Alert: Lifting and Moving Persons in Bed.
2 Ask a co-worker to help you.
3 Practice hand hygiene.
4 Identify the person. Check the ID bracelet against the assignment sheet. Call the person by name.
5 Explain what you are going to do.
6 Provide for privacy.
7 Lock the bed wheels.
8 Raise the bed for body mechanics. Bed rails are up if used.
9 Lower the head of the bed to a level appropriate for the person. It is as flat as possible.
10 Stand on one side of the bed. Your co-worker stands on the other side.
11 Lower the bed rails if up.
12 Remove pillows as directed by the nurse. Place a pillow against the headboard if the person can be without it.
13 Stand with a broad base of support. Point the foot near the head of the bed toward the head of the bed. Face that direction.
14 Roll the sides of the lift sheet up close to the person.
15 Grasp the rolled-up lift sheet firmly near the person’s shoulders and buttocks. Support the head.
16 Bend your hips and knees.
17 Move the person up in bed on the count of “3”. Shift your weight from your rear leg to your front leg.
18 Repeat steps 13 through 17 if necessary
19 Unroll the lift sheet.
20 Put the pillow under the person’s head and shoulders. Straighten linens.
21 Provide for comfort. Position the person in good alignment (p. 319).
22 Place signal light within reach.
23 Raise or lower bed rails. Follow the care plan.
24 Raise the head of the appropriate for the person. bed to a level
25 Lower the bed to its lowest position.
26 Unscreen the person.
27 Complete a safety check of the room.
28 Decontaminate your hands.
29 Report and record your observations.



§  Is this activity clear to you?

§  Do you need any assistance to undertake this activity?



o NO

o NO

Please, notify your trainer/assessor of your need for assistance immediately after you have read this task.
1st Assessment Date: Time:
This Candidate has been deemed Competent / Not Yet Competent (Circle one)
Candidate signature: Date
Assessor signature Date
1st Assessment Comments:
2nd Assessment Date: Time:
This Candidate has been deemed Competent / Not Yet Competent (Circle one)
Candidate signature: Date
Assessor signature Date
2nd Assessment Comments:
Delegation Guidelines:
Lifting and Moving Persons in Bed

Many delegated tasks involve lifting and moving the person in bed. Before lifting or moving a person, you need this information from the nurse and the care plan:

·        Position limits and restrictions

·        How far you can lower the head of the bed

·        Any limits in the person’s ability to move or be repositioned

·        What procedure to use

·        How many workers are needed to safely lift and move the person

·        What equipment is needed – trapeze, lift the sheet, mechanical lift

·        What pillows can be removed before lifting or turning the person

·        How to position the person

·        If the person uses bed rails

·        What observations to report and record

1b    Primary Skill Assessment

Candidate name:
Assessor name:
Primary Skill: Hand Washing
Place of Assessment:
Date of assessment: 1st 2nd 3rd
Time of Assessment: 1st 2nd 3rd

As you progress through this Primary Skill assessment you will need to read each of the items in the left-hand column to make sure you complete the task correctly. Your assessor will place a C or NYC in the boxes next to each part of the task during the assessment. The assessor will complete the column on the right-hand side listing any procedures/settings considered not being competently adhered to. These steps are critical to the performance of each task

Before you begin you will need to confirm that you understand the following safety alert;
Hand Hygiene

You use your hands for almost every task. They can pick up microbes from one person, place, or thing. They transfer them to other people, places, and things. That is why hand hygiene is so very important. You must practice hand hygiene before and after giving care.

I can confirm that I understand the above safety alert and will apply it to the best of my abilities:

Candidate Signature:


Assessor Signature:

Assessors note: Please date any comments to avoid confusion. If not enough space please use the Comments page at the end of this Primary Skill Assessment.
C = Competent/ NYC = Not Yet Competent 1st 2nd 3rd
1 See Safety Alert: Hand Hygiene.
2 Make sure you have soap, paper towels, an orange stick or nail file, and a wastebasket. Collect missing items.
3 Push your watch up 4 to 5 inches. Also, push up uniform sleeves.
4 Stand away from the sink so your clothes do not touch the sink. Stand so the soap and faucet are easy to reach.
5 Turn on and adjust the water until it feels warm.
6 Wet your wrists and hands. Keep your hands lower than your elbows.
7 Apply about 1 teaspoon of soap to your hands.
8 Rub your palms together and interlace your fingers to work up a good lather. This step should last at least 15 seconds.
9 Wash each hand and wrist thoroughly. Clean well between the fingers.
10 Clean under the fingernails. Rub your fingertips to your palms.
11 Clean under fingernails with a nail file or orange stick. This step is done for the first-hand washing of the day and when your hands are highly soiled.
12 Rinse your wrists and hands well. Water flows from the arms to the hands.
13 Repeat steps 7 through 12 if needed.
14 Dry your wrists and hands with paper towels. Pat dry starting at your fingertips.
15 Discard the paper towels.
16 Turn off faucets with clean paper towels. This prevents you from contaminating your hands. Use a clean paper towel for each faucet.
17 Discard paper towels



§  Is this activity clear to you?

§  Do you need any assistance to undertake this activity?

o YES   o NO

o YES   o NO

Please, notify your trainer/assessor of your need for assistance immediately after you have read this task.
1st Assessment Date: Time:
This Candidate has been deemed Competent / Not Yet Competent (Circle one)
Candidate signature: Date
Assessor signature Date
1st Assessment Comments:
2nd Assessment Date: Time:
This Candidate has been deemed Competent / Not Yet Competent (Circle one)
Candidate signature: Date
Assessor signature Date
2nd Assessment Comments:



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