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FNS40815 – FNSINC402 Assessment 2 Answers– Performance


FNSINC402 Develop and maintain in-depth knowledge of products and services used by an organisation or sector
Unit Description This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and maintain an in-depth knowledge of the financial products and services provided by an organisation, or those an organisation uses, and how they may be applied to client needs.
Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Identify products and services organisation uses
  • Identify compliance implications of product
  • Determine appropriate users for products and services
  • Maintain product knowledge

Section 1 – Review Banking Report


Download and review the PWC Report: Major Banks -future operating models, located in the Assessment Resources folder.

Then complete each of the following steps:

  • Review the five business models described on Page 2. Assess which model most closely aligns with your current bank of choice and explain why you have chosen that model.


  • “A well-described business architecture connects people, process and systems within the organisation to business capabilities” (Page 4). In your own words, explain what this phrase might mean to your current bank.



Reference ID: #getanswers2001045



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