FINM014 Investment Analysis – Assignment Help AUS
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Assessment Brief:
- Topic: 2000 word stimulated trading report
- Document Type: Coursework
- Subject: Finance
- Number of Words: 2000
- Citation/Referencing Style: Harvard
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Feedback and Grades
These can be accessed through clicking on the Feedback and Grades tab on NILE. Feedback will be provided by a rubric with summary comments.
Rubric to mark for FINM014 AS2 Report
Criteria | No Submission / no evidence | Fail | Pass | Merit | Distinction |
Learning Outcome (B): Apply both qualitative and quantitative analytical skills in assessing and evaluating investment opportunities –First page+ Investment Summary.
15% |
Work submitted is of no academic value/nothing submitted. |
Poor knowledge of the chosen equity for the report. Limited understanding of the theories and arguments to back up the recommendation suggested in the Investment Summary. |
Fair knowledge of the chosen equity for the report. Limited understanding of the theories and arguments to back up the recommendation suggested in the Investment Summary. No rationale for the choice of the equity. |
Good knowledge of the chosen equity for the report. Good understanding of the theories and arguments to back up the recommendation suggested in the Investment Summary. Clear rationale for the choice of the equity with justification. |
Excellent knowledge of the chosen equity for the report. Excellentunderstanding of the theories and arguments to back up the recommendation suggested in the Investment Summary. Clear rationale for the choice of the equity with supportive justification. |
Learning Outcome (C): Critically evaluate contrasting approaches and strategies in asset allocation and portfolio management in the global investment industry context. Business Description; Industry Overview; Competitive Positioning; Financial Analysis
25% |
Work submitted is of no academic value/nothing submitted. |
Poor analysis of the selected firm in terms of its key business, industry and competitive position and financial performance. Analysis criteria are selected, but incomplete or irrelevant to the key issues. The analysis and discussion are limited, incomplete and not linked to existing literature. |
Fair analysis of the selected firm in terms of its key business, industry and competitive position and financial performance. Analysis criteria are selected, but the analysis and discussion are descriptive. There is lack of focus and clarity, and discussions are not clearly linked to existing literature. |
Good analysis of the selected firm in terms of its key business, industry and competitive position and financial performance. The analysis and discussion are reasonable and linked to existing literature. |
Detailed and critical analysis of the selectedfirm in terms of its key business, industry and competitive position and financial performance with well justified analysis criteria. The analysis and discussion are informed and linked to existing literature. |
Learning Outcome (E): Justify chosen sustainable solutions and associated decisions to address complex, concrete and abstract problems.–Valuation and Investment risks
40% |
Work submitted is of no academic value/nothing submitted. |
Insufficient valuation and risk analysis of the chosen equity. There is no clear use of valuation approach and method linking to the choice of the equity. Poor explanation of the key investment risks in the equity.
Fair valuation and risk analysis of the chosen equity with few justifications in terms of valuation approach and valuation methods. The analysis makes use of two valuation methods and compare the price multipliers with peers and industry. Adequate explanations on whether overvalued or undervalued stock. However, there are significant omissions in the analysis. |
Good valuation and risk analysis of the chosen equity with good justifications in terms of valuation approach and valuation methods. The analysis makes good use of at least two well justified valuation methods and compare the price multipliers with peers and industry. Detailed explanations on whether overvalued or undervalued stock. |
In depth valuation and risk analysis of the chosen equity with detailed justifications in terms of valuation approach and valuation methods. The analysis makes good use of at least two well justified valuation methods and compare the price multipliers with peers and industry. Excellent explanations on whether overvalued or undervalued stock. |
Learning Outcome (F): Communicate information and articulate complex arguments convincingly, to influence and persuade stakeholders– Graphical Analysis Techniques.
10% |
Work submitted is of no academic value/nothing submitted. |
Charts and tables have not been appropriately used to interpret data. Explanation/discussion is either irrelevant or incomplete. |
Charts and tables have been used to interpret data with limited explanation/discussion. The charts and tables show a lack of clarity and are not properly labelled/referenced. |
Charts and tables have been used to summarise and interpret data. Some charts and tables are discussed, labelled, and referenced. |
Charts and tables have been appropriately used to summarise and interpret data and show trends. All charts and tables are properly discussed, labelled, and referenced. |
Professional/academic quality.
10% |
Work submitted is of no academic value/nothing submitted. |
Poor presentation and structure which does not follow guidance provided. Poor command of academic/professional conventions appropriate to the discipline. Some attempts at referencing but mostly do not conform to Harvard referencing style. |
Adequate presentation and structure following guidance provided. Satisfactory command of academic/professional conventions appropriate to the discipline. Referencing is partially accurate and conforms to Harvard referencing style. |
Good presentation and structure following guidance provided. Sound command of academic/professional conventions sufficient and appropriate to the discipline. Referencing is mostly accurate and conforms to Harvard referencing style. |
Excellent presentation and structure following guidance provided. Authoritative command of academic/professional conventions appropriate to the discipline.Referencing is accurate and conforms to Harvard referencing style. |
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