International Financial Management Assessment Solution with MBA/PhD Holder Experts

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Assignment Details: 

  • Referencing Styles: Not Selected
  • Word/Pages: 7
  • Course Code: FINA2005
  • Course Title: international financial management


Identification of the factors that influence international financial management, analysis of the risks that firms are exposed to, and discussion of the mitigation strategies that firms can adopt. Six major areas will be covered.

  • Global Financial Environment
  • Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management
  • Access to International Financial Markets
  • Financial Structure of the International Firm
  • International Investment and NPV in an International Context
  • Flows of Funds in an International Company


This course focused on the principal managerial and financial activities of international firms. In a context of globalization and market innovation, decision making is in constant evolution and becoming more complex. International scope creates opportunities but also risks. This changing context will be analyzed from a corporate perspective. We will first examine foreign exchange exposure and hedging. International financing, both equity and debt will be analysed next, incorporating decisions about the cost of capital and the financial structure of multinational companies. Finally, we look at how firms adopt the traditional analysis of decision making for capital budgeting and international projects. All over the world, leading banks have contributed to changes in financial markets. To answer the needs of their corporate clients, they are providers of information and analysis, some of which is now available on the internet. the course will enable students to familiarize themselves with professional and practical documentation, as well as enhance their understanding of a series of analytical concepts.


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