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Corporate Governance and Business Ethics-Related Homework  Answer



Topic: Corporate governance

Code: ACCT19083


Q 1. Is it okay for the Chairman of the Board and the CEO to be the same person? Why?


Q 2. Should the Board of Directors pay attention to all stakeholders of the company rather than only its shareholders? Why?


Q 3. What are the key features of the Sarbanes Oxley Act?


Q 4. Should there be a reservation for Women on Corporate Boards? Justify your position.


Q 5. Epsilon, a US marketing services company, provided email marketing capabilities to client companies. The Epsilon web site claimed that “we give clients the ability to send more than 15 million dynamic messages in one hour, or more than 40 billion emails a year.” The around 2,500 client companies included JP Morgan Chase Bank, Citigroup, Barclaycard USA, Marks and Spencer a retailer, and Marriott International Hotels.

In April 2011, Epsilon’s files were illegally accessed and millions of records potentially stolen. The company claimed that only a small proportion of its clients were affected. Moreover, the files were just lists of names and email addresses and held no personal or financial information. Some commentators suggested that the theft of these lists was hardly catastrophic since they contained no more information than a telephone book.

Some of the client companies, whose lists had been compromised, were not so sure. The files contained their customer databases. In the hands of fraudsters, fake emails could seek personal information, initiate various scams, and send spam messages that would affect the firm’s reputation. Some companies sent emails warning their customers that their email addresses may have been stolen.



  1. Who was at fault here?
  2. What might have been done to prevent the potential loss to Epsilon and its clients?