CHCDIS007 Student Assessment Workbook


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Final Assessment-1






  • The questions are completed in class
  • Briefly answer the questions below in the spaces provided. Use the space provided as a guide to the length of your
  • This must be your own work
  • You cannot use any resources for this assessment
  • You must get a satisfactory response for each question


Q 1: How does the historical medical model of service differ from the more recent social model of service?



Q2: How does the historical institutionalised model of service differ from the person-centred, self- directed model of support?


Q3: Briefly describe the Disability Advocacy Code of Conduct.


Q4: Briefly describe two ways the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) protects people with disabilities.


Q5: Briefly describe what is outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


Q6: To comply with informed consent legislation, what are two aspects of an agreement you must ensure a person with a disability is aware of?


Q7: List one key legal obligation of mandatory reporting.


Q8: Briefly describe how society ‘constructs’ disability and how a support worker’s own attitude can  impact on people with disabilities.


Q9: Describe who you should seek support from and when you should seek support when there is a conflict between your values and the values of the person you are supporting.


Q10. Describe two impacts that having an ABI may have on a person and explain how your personal values and attitudes could have an impact on a person with an acquired brain injury.


Q11. Describe two behaviours associated with Autism spectrum disorder and explain how your personal values and attitudes could impact on the way you work with a person with an autism spectrum disorder.


Q12: What is a cognitive disability and what are two challenges or issues that a person with a cognitive disability may experience?


Q13: Describe two challenges that a person with a physical disability may face and explain how you could avoid having your personal values and attitudes negatively impact on a person with a physical disability.


Q14: What are two disabilities associated with developmental delay and how could your personal values and attitudes impact on a person with a developmental delay?


Q15: Identify two possible causes of an intellectual disability and explain why it is important to acknowledge the differences between people who have an intellectual disability.


Q16: What is a neurological impairment and how may a person with a neurological impairment be affected by their disability?


Q17: Describe three different ways that a person with a sensory disability may present.


Q18: What wrong assumptions can people make about the capacity of a person with a speech or language disability?


Q19: Describe how empowerment could be facilitated when providing support, and two effects of empowerment for a person with support needs.


Q20: Provide an example of a rights-based approach when providing support services.


Q21. Provide a brief definition of a person-centered practice.


Q22. Provide a brief definition of an active support model.


Q23: Provide two examples of ways to listen actively to a person with a disability.


Q24: Briefly describe the concept of social justice and explain one reason why it is important to know and respect each person as an individual.


Q25: Provide two strategies of how to promote strength-based practice in the service.


Q26: List two ways you could assist a person with a disability to understand their rights.


Q27: Briefly describe two ways you could identify a person’s cultural needs.


Q28: List two indicators of neglect.


Q29: List two general indicators of abuse.


Q30: Provide two examples of disabilities with genetic factors and two examples of how you would implement person-centred support to facilitate self-determination and choice.



CHCDIS007 Final Assessment-2






Case Study 1- Jamal and Kevin


Jamal is Kevin’s support worker and he’s in the middle of a busy day. Kevin is a young person with physical disabilities who uses a wheelchair for mobility. He has just joined a wheelchair basketball team and is excited about the sport.


Just before lunch, Kevin shows up at Jamal’s workplace with a basketball in hand, wanting to show Jamal what he’s learnt. Although Kevin doesn’t have an appointment, Jamal wants to support Kevin’s new interest and expanding skills, so he lets Kevin show him a few moves in the parking lot while he eats lunch.


Kevin is thrilled with the speed and mobility of wheelchair basketball and has been practising high-speed spins, turns, catches and throws. In his excitement, Kevin doesn’t notice a bump in the parking lot pavement and he falls. Although he only receives a minor scrape, Jamal realises that this isn’t the best time or place to support Kevin’s interest.


Before he leaves, Kevin gives Jamal a team shirt with his numbers on the back and invites him to his next game.


Q1: Did Jamal compromise or breach appropriate work role boundaries with Kevin?


Q2: Did Jamal breach his work role responsibilities?


Q3: How did Jamal breach WHS procedures?


Q4: How did Jamal manage Kevin’s dignity of risk and what is one way he could have respected his choice while maximising his safety?


Q5: How did Jamal manage duty of care in this situation?


Case Study 2 -Maline and Frankie


Maline (a support worker) receives an angry phonecall from Frankie, who has been trying to get an appointment for several weeks to discuss some changes she wants to make to her services. Maline had meant to get back to Frankie weeks ago, but got caught up in her busy workload. She thanks Frankie for the reminder and they make an appointment for the next day.


During the meeting, Frankie asks Maline about the research she was going to do about her options for training and employment, based on the email she sent last week. At their last meeting, they had discussed Frankie’s wish to get back into employment after her injury, and she had compiled a list of ideas that she emailed to Maline. Maline had been so busy that she had not looked at Frankie’s service plan before the meeting, and although she had seen the email, her promise to do this research completely slipped her mind.


Maline sincerely apologises to Frankie for these omissions and thanks her for the work she’s done in investigating ideas for training and employment. They agree to meet weekly for the next month to fully explore Frankie’s options and to make sure she receives the services she needs.


Q6: Provide two suggestions for how Maline should adjust her work approaches to facilitate Frankie’s empowerment.


Q7: Do you think Maline is upholding or failing to uphold Frankie’s self-advocacy? Why?


Q8: How might Maline’s adjustments to her approach better ensure Frankie’s rights and needs are upheld in service delivery?



Case Study 3 – Kate and Ginny


Kate has an intellectual disability. Her younger sister Ginny is her primary carer and has legal guardianship over Kate, specifically regarding her financial and legal decisions. Kate is provided a certain amount of money per week for discretionary spending, which she usually spends on food treats, going out with her friends and art materials.


Kate attends a day program with other people with intellectual disabilities in the local community. Ginny is concerned as Kate is asking for more money, and she discovers that another participant in the day program has been demanding money from Kate and others, or he will hit them.


Ginny immediately contacts Sue, who is Kate’s support worker for advice and support, as she wants to remove Kate temporarily from the day program while making a formal complaint to ensure the situation is resolved and does not recur. Kate becomes upset at being told that she can’t go to day program the next day. When Sue arrives, it is clear that Kate doesn’t understand what is happening and why she can’t go.


Q9: Provide two methods Sue can use to assist Kate to be comfortable with Ginny’s decision to remove her from the day program temporarily.


Q10: How could Sue assist Ginny and Kate to access an advocacy service?


Q11: How could Sue assist Kate and Ginny to use a complaint mechanism to resolve the issue?


Q12: Why is it important to protect Kate’s privacy and confidentiality regarding making a complaint?


Q13: What form of abuse was Kate experiencing at the centre and was this a breach of her human rights?



CHCDIS007 Final Assessments-3






Unit: CHCDIS007 – Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Workplace/simulated workplace:
Practical Assessment Instructions: Role Play

The student is to read the following scenario below. The role play is to be the first meeting between the person with a disability (Student 1 as jack) and the student 2 who is acting in the role of a support person. Student 1(Jack) and the student 2 are meeting for the first time and using appropriate communication methods the student is to find out about Student 1(Jack) background, establish rapport and identify the areas where Student 1(Jack) needs support.


Throughout the assessment the student 2 will be asked questions by the trainer in conjunction with the scenario.




Jack is 23 years old and lives with his parents. Jack’s parents speak French and English but jack does not speak much French. Jack does a lot of cooking, likes sport and has some good friends. Some of whom live independently and some who live at home.


Jack would like to move out of his parent’s home and into a small flat but needs to finish studying his course at TAFE (reading and writing) and also find work. He would consider living in shared accommodation but is not sure how this would suit him. The only help/support Jack receives now is from his mother.


Jack works as a volunteer 3 days a week at a childcare centre and although he really likes this work he would prefer paid employment. Jack feels that when he has approached agencies to help him find work he is basically ignored.


Jack contracted encephalitis when he was three years old and since then his mother has been the only support. At that time his mother did not speak English well and found it difficult to get help with Jack. Jack’s mother never received any help from the government. Now Jack receives some support from the Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association.


What Jack would like is someone who can help him find a job and then when this happens he would like to look at moving into his own place.


Points to acknowledge:


  • Difficulties people have from non-English speaking backgrounds
  • How family members have to support people with disabilities with no support from service providers
  • How additional help would have helped to increase his independency
  • How paid employment would help increase his independency and enhance his sense of contribution along with reducing his reliance on a benefit


You will be required to check your progress with the trainer/ assessor at the completion of each part of the assessment before commencing the next.


The trainer/ assessor will inform you of any significant errors or misjudgments throughout the procedure and give valuable feedback to you for the rectification of the problem.


If the result of the assessment is that you are Not Yet Satisfactory, you may be required to retake the assessment.


Q1: You are Jack’s designated support provider. You are meeting with him and need to assist by understanding the needs of jack to identify appropriate support to ensure he reaches his goals.


Complete jack’s initial meeting plan to understand the needs, social history, previous lifestyle and other personal information followed by Jack’s service delivery plan?


Use the template provided below to complete the task while role playing in a simulated environment.


Template for getting ready plan:

My goals


What are the things that are most important to you? What are the things you would most like to change? What would you like to do with less help from others? Are there new things you would like to try?


This list will help you to think about goals you may have in different areas of your life:

  • daily life
  • where I live – what sort of accommodation do you live in?
  • relationships
  • health and wellbeing e.g. taking up an active recreation or sport
  • learning e.g. starting or finishing training or study
  • work e.g. finding a job or changing the hours of your work
  • social and community activities – getting involved in social and community activities
  • choice and control over my life
  • independence e.g. getting around your house or community by yourself


Your goal/s will be listed in your case management Schedule of Supports and will help us know what’s important to you. Please list the goal/s in the boxes below.


Your goals Family members, friends, services or others who are helping me with this goal. When do you want to achieve this? What is stopping you from achieving your goals?


Participant statement


Where I live and the people I live with


Tell us about your living arrangements (past, current and how I might like things to be in the future).


Additional notes pages are attached to this form


Attach any relevant professional reports completed on this person within the last 2 years


i.e. communication assessment, occupational therapy. Specify reports attached:


Prepared by (name, position):                                                                       Date:

Reviewed by (name, position):                                                                      Date:

Signed by the client or authorised representative:                                    Date:




Summarise skills assessment and other professional assessments or reports eg; speech assessment. Include observational information from staff, family or other service providers. Include the clients own account of skills. Note where information came from. Consider clients expressive skills, communicating basic needs (hunger, thirst, pain, toilet, making choices, expressing feelings (sad, anger, fear) appropriately interactions with friends. Discuss client’s receptive skills and ability to follow instructions or understands use of visuals or objects.


Scenario 2:


Case study – Physical disabilities


Jim is paralysed from the waist down after a recent car crash and has been told he will be confined to a wheelchair for life. He is from Non-English Speaking Background (NESB) and fears that this will affect his ability to work in a ‘normal’ job (his previous job involved being very active on his feet) and that he will be reliant on others for carrying out everyday activities. He fears transport will be a particular issue and is worried he will become marginalised by the community, with his social life suffering – his sporting interests seem to be at serious risk. Sarah is a disability worker. She meets with Jim and explains the various options available to help him adapt to his situation.


Student 1: Jim

Student 2: Sarah- Disability Support worker


Q2: You are required to Role-play out the Scenario and empower jim with Possible options and solutions to his needs?


Assessor template to use for Observation and Assessment of skills:
During the demonstration or observation of skills did the student? Is the behaviour observed Observation/ Comments of Assessor
Yes No
Assessor has observed the use of appropriate Verbal communication skills:

  1. Use of questioning, speaking and listening
  2. Non-judgemental approach to personal interactions
  3. Using clarifying and summarising questions
Assessor has observed the use of non-verbal communication skills:

  1. Facial Expression,
  2. eye contact
  3. smiling,
  4. body postures,
  5. personal space etc
Assessor has observed the use of appropriate services to overcome the identified barriers relating to communication:

  1. NESB-Augmentative and Alternative communication Aids and techniques
  2. Interpreter service
  3. Staff who speaks the same language
Assessor has observed the student explaining the available options and possible solutions to his needs like

  1. home can be adapted to include a stair lift;
  2. his car can be altered to be operated by his hands and
  3. they can look at him participating in handicapped sporting clubs in the community
Assessor has observed the student explaining about the sources of help and available services to his needs

  1. sources of funding like Centrelink etc,
  2. referrals to other service providers,
  3. home adaptations,
  4. leaflets,
  5. educational opportunities
Assessor has observed the student’s ability to identify current skills and capabilities to empower Jim

  1. Student asks Jim(the other student while role-play) about his capabilities, rather than his lack of abilities – this helps him feel valued and empowers him look at what he can contribute.
Assessor has observed the student’s ability to identify possible options for his Career opportunities and further referrals to improve his skills

  1. Student presents him with a leaflet on all of the support services available to him and details of the relevant funding he can apply for.
  2. Student asks him about his current skills and capabilities and suggests ways he can use these to be of social value in the community.
Assessor has observed the student following legislation, boundaries and limitation of practice during role-play:

  1. Student explains equal opportunity employment legislation and Discrimination Act etc.
2. Refers him to a careers counsellor who can help him look at careers where his disability would not be a limiting factor and help him learn new skills and knowledge through educational programs.
Assessor has observed student’s understanding about evaluation and why thorough evaluation of all the options and sharing of opinions between all involved parties is important for a positive outcome.
Assessor has observed student ability to share opinions and work with other service providers.


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