CHCDIS001 Contribute to Ongoing Skills Development Final Assessments-3 Homework


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Scenario 1

Gael is a 28-year-old female who had injured herself from a car accident. Post-injury, she was paralysed from the waist down and is currently confined on a wheelchair. She is currently living with her parents. Her thinking and cognitive skills are not affected.

Before the accident, Gael used to have an active lifestyle. She was an environmentalist and loved hiking and planting in rural areas. She was a social advocate to save the environment. She is a vegetarian and prefers to eat organic food. However, after the accident, she declines to eat. Her body mass index is considered underweight. She refuses to eat despite her parents’ encouragement.

Moreover, Gael has declined to see her friends after the accident as she considers herself as a

“cripple”. Low self-esteem can be recognised and she is socially withdrawn. She expressed her wanting to attend a gardening activity in the community but her parents wouldn’t let her.




Using the case scenario above, perform a role play comprising of Gael and her support provider. If the result of the assessment is that you are Not Yet Satisfactory, you may be required to retake the assessment.


  1. You are Gael’s designated support provider. You are meeting with her and to develop an individualized plan for her.
  1. Make a referral to a nutritionist to address Gael’s nutrition as she was noted to be underweight.


Resources required for Practical Assessment Appropriate workplace or simulated work placement where assessment can take place:

  • Relevant organization policy, protocols and procedures
  • Equipment and resources normally used in the workplace
  • Where for reasons of safety, space or access to equipment and resources, the assessment takes place away from the workplace, the assessment environment should represent workplace conditions as closely as possible.


Q1a: You are Gael’s designated support provider. You are meeting with her and to develop an individualized plan for her.

Complete Gael’s initial meeting plan to understand the needs, social history, previous lifestyle and other personal information followed by Gael’s Individualised plan?

Use the template provided below to complete the task while role-playing in a simulated environment.

Template for getting ready to plan:

My goals

What are the things that are most important to you? What are the things you would most like to change? What would you like to do with less help from others? Are there new things you would like to try?

This list will help you to think about the goals you may have in different areas of your life:

  • daily life
  • where I live – what sort of accommodation do you live in?
  • relationships
  • health and wellbeing e.g. taking up an active recreation or sport
  • learning e.g. starting or finishing training or study
  • work e.g. finding a job or changing the hours of your work
  • social and community activities – getting involved in social and community activities
  • choice and control over my life
  • independence e.g. getting around your house or community by yourself

Your goal/s will be listed in your case management Schedule of Supports and will help us know what’s important to you. Please list your goal/s in the boxes below.

Your goals Family members, friends, services or others who are helping me with this goal. When do you want to achieve this? What is stopping you from achieving your goals?

Participant statement 

Additional notes pages are attached to this form

Attach any relevant professional reports completed on this person within the last 2 years

i.e. communication assessment, occupational therapy. Specify reports attached:

Prepared by (name, position):                                                                       Date:

Reviewed by (name, position):                                                                      Date:

Signed by the client or authorised representative:                                           Date:

Q1b. The students after identifying the needs, goals and preferences need to develop an individualised plan for Gael




Goals Progress & Recommended Action


Activities Progress & Recommended Action


Insert changes to long term plan if relevant. Changes should occur if the client’s ambitions have changed or if the long

term plan has been achieved.







SECTION C: Individual Plan






Individual procedures or other actions required


IP MEETING ATTENDANCE (Date of IP Meeting:                                       )

Name Relationship to Client Signature

Scenario 2

Sue’s IPPs

The informal learning program designed to teach Sue to make some simple purchases is documented entirely on the corresponding Individual Program Plan Objective Form. The formal ongoing skill developmental program for teaching a banking skill has been written up using a simple format. The important thing is that it:

  • contains a clearly stated objective,
  • is based on task analysis,
  • specifies how to provide individualised assistance, and
  • provides instructions on how to collect

Finally, this sample IPP includes a weekly schedule which allows staff to record when Sue participated in all of her IPP activities to achieve both her Learning and Opportunity Objectives.

Q1: Using all the information above create an activity planner-Role play out the scenario in a simulated environment and complete the activity in front of the Assessor?


CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
Assessor template to use for Observation and Assessment of skills:
During the demonstration or observation of skills did the student? Is the behaviour observed Observat ion/Comments of Assessor
Yes No
The assessor has observed the use of appropriate Verbal communication skills:

1.  Use of questioning, speaking and listening

2.  Non-judgemental approach to personal interactions

3.  Using clarifying and summarising questions

The assessor has observed the use of non-verbal communication skills:


1.      Facial Expression,

2.      eye contact

3.      smiling,

4.      body postures,

5.      personal space etc

The assessor has observed the use of appropriate services to overcome the identified barriers relating to communication:

1.      NESB-Augmentative and Alternative communication Aids and techniques

2.      Interpreter service

3.      Staff who speaks the same language

The assessor has observed the student’s ability to:

·         Encourage clients to identify strengths.

·         Work in a manner that acknowledges the client as their own expert

·         Provide support for the client to identify resources to complement their strengths

·         Encourage support from other individuals and organisations to mobilise their strengths.

The assessor has observed the student explaining the available options and possible solutions to needs.

Understanding that community is a rich source of resources and you should assist your client to tap into them.

The assessor has observed the student explaining the sources of help and available services to his needs

1.  sources of funding like Centrelink etc,

2.  referrals to other service providers,

3.  home adaptations,

4.  leaflets,

5.  educational opportunities

The assessor has observed the student’s ability to identify current skills and capabilities to empower the client

Clients strength’s, weaknesses, abilities have been identified and have used as

a basis for an Individualised plan.

The assessor has observed the student’s ability to identify possible options for client needs and further referrals to improve his skills

Interventions and actions taken to develop and maintain skills are based on the self-determination of the client.

The assessor has observed the student’s ability to collaborate between DSW(Student) and client and relevant others approved by the client
The assessor has observed the student following legislation, boundaries and limitation of practice during her work-placement and works with the duty of care.
The assessor has observed student’s understanding of evaluation and why the thorough evaluation of all the options and sharing of opinions between all involved parties is important for a positive outcome.
The assessor has observed student ability to share opinions and work with other service providers: preferably outreach services which are often non-profit, voluntary, non-government delivered at the local level.
Assessor Name: Please Circle
Assessor Signature: DATE:


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