CHCDEV002 Question and Answer on Impacts of Sociological Factors Assignment

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Assignment Details:

  • Course Code: CHCDEV002
  • Course Title: Analyse Impacts of Sociological factors
  • Referencing Styles: Not Selected
  • Words: 1000
  • University: James Cook University
  • Country: AU




 To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit. This is a major activity that is to be undertaken during a period of at least 100 hours of work within a community services workplace.


 Task Instructions:-

  • You are required to engage with three different clients to gather and report on the social-cultural information concerning them. You will answer the questions and record information into the three client templates provided in this assessment.
  • This information is to be used to provide clients with appropriate information/advice, referral and access to services.
  • You are also asked to monitor and review the effectiveness of support actions, and if required, enhance outcomes and best address their social and cultural issues.


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