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Chcccs025 Support Relationships with Careers and Families Simulation Observation Answers
Scenario 1: Jacquie is helping Max and his family to find and access some supports that will help their family members take a break from caring responsibilities, and also give Max the opportunity to expand his social network and participate in some recreation activities. Max’s mother wants to begin doing some casual work, and would like Max to become more independent so she does not feel that she has to stay with him constantly. She wants to begin doing some more things for herself and help Max prepare for his adult life. Jacquie has had one initial meeting with Max and his family, and now they are meeting again to go through some service guidelines and application documents to help Max access some new services. Jacquie brings along copies of the documents as well as a large print version for Max to read independently, as he is becoming a more capable, independent reader. She asks his mother to write down some points about the sorts of strategies she uses at home with Max that she finds work well, so she can share this information with new service providers, with permission from Max and his mother. Jacquie reassures Max’s mother that any information she provides about Max will be kept confidential, and that it will only be passed on to other organisations and people with her permission.
Max has told Jacquie that he wants to join in activities that his best friend, Sam, is already doing. Fortunately, Jacquie has found out that Sam participates in a recreation outreach program each Friday night so she brings some information along about the program to share with Max. Max asks Jacquie if she can drive him to the group on his first visit, but Jacquie explains that this is not possible because her organisation does not permit her to drive people in her own car and the group is run outside of her normal work hours. Instead, she encourages Max to think about learning to catch public transport to get to the program and then arrange for his mother and Sam’s mother to share the pick-up task afterwards. Max is excited about learning to catch public transport, and seems to increase in confidence at the idea that Jacquie thinks he is capable of doing this.
Q1: Conduct Needs assessment of Max by interviewing his family and Max. Students to form a group and role play and identify the needs and outline in the Form Below.
Star aged care facility Resident Lifestyle & Social History Assessment
CRN: Sec/Room/Bed:
Resident Name: DOB:
Surname: First Name: Preferred Name:
DOB: Country Of Birth: Years in Australia:
Nationality: . Can Speak English Yes No Other Languages:
Hobbies and Interests:
Primary: _. Tertiary:
Work History: Occupation:
Community service or Navy Or war or any other services:
Family Details: Name Of Spouse/Partner:
Marital status: Married Single Divorced Widowed
Names of children:
Fathers Name: Mothers Name:
Names of any significant others on the resident’s life:
Social Affiliations:
Social Networks:
Religion: Did you attend church Regularly: Yes No
Would you like to attend church: Yes No Weekly: Monthly:
Special Occasions Only:
Would you like to attend monthly in house church services
Specific Cultural Activities:
Significant life events:
Sexuality Needs:
Level of enjoyment in the company of the opposite sex: High Medium Low
Personal Habits:
Did you ever smoke: []Yes []No
How Many Cigarettes Per Day: ?
Do You Still Smoke: Yes /No.
Would You like to Quit: Yes/No?
Your Reason for Quitting/Not Quitting:
Would you like to try patches: Yes/ No
Would you like to reduce your daily consumption: Yes / No
Do you consider counselling: Yes/ No
Did you ever drink alcohol: Yes/ No Do you still drink alcohol : Yes /No
Type of alcohol………….…How often you drink :……………
Would you like to quit: Yes /No
Your reason for quitting/not quitting: Do you consider a counselling: Yes /No?
Assessment completion date: …………………………….
Name of assessor: ………………………….
Signature: ……………………………….
Designation: ………………………
Q2. Once the needs have been identified after conducting the assessment on Max, Staff (Student Nurse) has to participate in developing the care plan?
STAR Health Care Nursing Care Plan Social and Emotional Needs of Resident and Family |
Name: |
Surname: |
Identified Needs |
Goals |
Interventions |
1. is at risk of social isolation related to:
a. Diagnosed Cognitive deficit related to dementia.
b. STM and LTM loss
c. Physical Limitations
d. Communication Deficit
e.Palliative Care Status |
To provide emotional support to and family.
To provide Comfort to and family.
To respect ‘s choice to participate |
1.Staff encourage and assist ’s participation in social, spiritual & cultural activities.
a. Special cultural activities identified include: /N/A.
b. Attends church weekly/ monthly
c. Staff facilitate visits by religious cleric monthly or as required. |
f. Distress/Non-acceptance of being in a nursing home.
g. has special cultural and Spiritual needs. 2. displays:
a. Spends long periods in room
b. Does not Interact with other residents
c. Reluctance to attend group DT
d. Others:
3. Family displays:
a.Concern about ’s condition.
b. Lack of understanding of ’s condition and needs.
c. Communication difficulties with staff due to language barrier, relatives live too far away, cultural/religious differences.
1.Others: |
or decline in social activities.
To facilitate ’s participation in social and/or cultural activities.
To Prevent Social Isolation.
Sign: Date: |
2. Staff assist with relaxation.
3. Increase Physical Stimulation-e.g. Take for Walks
4. Decrease Physical Stimulation-eg massage
5. Encourage reading-newspapers/books
6. Staff facilitate attendance at cultural activities as listed: –
7. Staff encourage & assist ’s attendance at activities(daily)/(weekly) & social events including:
Concerts, Sing-a-long, crafts, Bingo, Music Therapy(group)/(individual), exercise classes (group)/(individual), quizzes, Bus trips, Board Games, Weekly individual therapy by DT.
8. LMO to be notified of any emotionally critical episodes e.g. bereavement etc.
9. Staff greet family in a friendly manner
10. Family are encouraged to visit regularly.
11. Family are encouraged to participate in all the activities organised by the home.
12. Staff inform family of any changes in ’s condition or needs.
13. A family conference is attended annually.
14. Staff offer emotional support & discuss care needs & participation in activities with family & friends DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY- OR LESS
a. In person
b. By telephone.
a. Sign: Date: |
Q3: Student is required to complete Resident Social Profile along with Family and the client below is the attached Form. Role-play out with other students in the class and complete the form during the role-play.
Student 1: Client
Student 2: Family
Student 3: Nurse
Surname: | |
Given Name: | |
Date of Birth: | |
Room No: Admission Date: |
Part A
Prefers to be called: | ||
Country of birth: | [] Australia [] Other (Please specify): | |
Arrival in Australia: | ||
First Language: | ||
Other Languages Spoken: | ||
Marital Status: | [] Single [] De facto | [] Divorced |
[] Married [] Separated | [] Widowed | |
Name of Partner:
Military Service |
Dates served: | ||
Where: | Capacity: |
Name(s) siblings: | [] Living | [] Deceased | |
[] Living | [] Deceased | ||
[] Living | [] Deceased | ||
[] Living | [] Deceased | ||
Name(s) of children: | [] Living | [] Deceased | |
[] Living | [] Deceased |
[] Living | [] Deceased | ||
[] Living | [] Deceased | ||
Name(s) grandchildren: |
Family and/or friends likely to be involved with resident:
Associations/voluntary organisations that resident is/has been involved in:
Wedding anniversary: | |
Children’s birthdays: | |
Death of significant other: |
Other: |
During their life, has the resident attended a church/place of worship regularly? r Yes r No
Would the resident like to attend worship services at St Luke’s Care? r Yes r No Any specific cultural preferences:
E.g. Diet:
- Festivals observed:
- Cultural preferences/practices (e.g. clothing/social contact/rituals):
Preferred Food: | |
Drink: | |
Flower(s): | |
Colour: | |
Animal: | |
Books/Magazines: |
[] Military [] Romantic [] Thriller [] Comedy |
[] | Lifestyle [] Westerns [] Current Affairs r Gardening |
[] Hobbies/Craft [] Sport [] Other (please specify): | |
Music: | [] Classical [] Country [] Rock ‘n’ Roll [] Jazz |
[] Musicals [] “Old Time” [] Other (please specify): | |
Radio programs: | |
Television programs:
Fears/dislikes (eg, dark, heights, animals, beach etc):
Lived at: ———————————————
Education: ———————————————
Lived at: ———————————————
Education: ———————————————
Work: ———————————————
Leisure Interests: ———————————————
Lived at: ———————————————
Leisure Interests: ———————————————
List any significant life experiences (eg, awards, disasters, achievements):
Travel experience: ———————————————
Please identify (ü) those activities that would or have been of interest:
[] Indoor Bowls [] Church
[] Community Singing [] Group Discussions
[] Newspaper Readings [] Outings
[] Exercise to Music [] Cooking
[] Word Games/Quizzes [] Concerts/Performances
[] Cards [] Video/Films/Television
[] Floral Art [] Craft
[] Parlour Games [] Jigsaws
[] Bingo [] Beauty Care
[] Art [] Happy Hour
[] Gardening [] Scenic Bus Trips
[] Crosswords [] Reading Book/magazines
[] Guided Walks [] Other (please specify)
Permission needed prior to shopping [] No [] Yes
In house shopping for clothing items to a limit of $
Permission to have alcohol at Happy Hour [] No [] Yes
Is the resident on the electoral roll? [] No [] Yes
If yes, current electorate:
Do you wish the resident to remain on the electoral roll? [] No [] Yes
It is the responsibility of the primary carer to change the electoral district. To remove the resident from the electoral role you will require a letter from the medical practitioner.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.
(please print)
Relationship to resident:
Once completed, please return to Nursing Administration.
Date Received:
Forward to Senior Diversional Therapist or Senior Recreational Officer.
Attended Date:
Part B
To be completed by the Diversional Therapist or Senior Recreational Officer.
Social: | |
Intellectual: | |
Physical: | |
Mental: | |
Hobbies: | |
Spiritual/Cultural: | |
Special activities: | |
Physical: | |
Sensory: | |
Cognitive: | |
Behavioural: | |
Other: | |
Name of person completing form:
(please print)
Related Answers:-
CHCCCS025 Support Relationships With Carers And Families Assessment-1 Answers
CHCCCS025 Support Relationships With Carers And Families Assessment-2 Answers
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