CHCCCS011 Meet Personal Support Needs Observation Final Assessments-3 Samples


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Assessment method 3 – Observation

Candidate’s Name:
Unit:    CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
Assessor’s Name:
Date of assessment:
Observation Assessment Instructions:
·         Read the scenario that typifies what occurs in an Aged Care Facility. When you believe you understand the system, you will be asked to role-play this with your fellow students.

·         Your assessor will provide you with further instructions before carrying this assessment

·         You must demonstrate appropriate behaviours to all the tasks to achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment. Refer to the observation sheet to get an understanding of what is required

·         If you do not achieve this you will be asked to redo the task

·         You should be able to complete this role play in 15 minutes


Role Play 1: Below is the attached Care Plan students to use as information regarding the patient (one student to act as patient and the other to act as a Nurse or Carer) and follow the interventions as stated in the care plan to complete the task.

  • Students are requested to attend personal hygiene activities for Robert Smith and trainer to observe the act and mark off student by using the Observation Marking form. Students should demonstrate Knowledge to interpret a personal care support plan, including terminology, basic understanding/knowledge of human body systems, goals, objectives, actions

Assist client, as required, with any of the following activities:

  • Showering
  • Bed bathing
  • shaving
  • dressing, undressing and grooming
  • toileting and the use of continence aids
  • oral hygiene
  • eating and drinking using appropriate feeding techniques
  • Mobility and transfer including in and out of the wheelchair, shower chair and

Role-Play 2: Primary Skill Assessment: Client Lifting

Role Play 3: Mr Smith is going for an appointment and you are required to transfer him in Car prior to the appointment and out of the car once he is back from an appointment. Students to form a group of 2-3 and act out the role-play:

Student 1: Mr Smith(Client) Student 2: Carer

Student 3: Carer

Aged Care Facility



Nursing Care Plan

Name: Robert
Surname: Smith DOB 12/11/1945
Section C Room No 13; BED: 1
MRN/CRN 100434312
Preferred name: Mr Smith

Care needs: Visual impairment

Goal: (expected outcome) Effective vision is maintained

Vision Hearing
Aids glasses                 magnifying glasses

Clean and fit glasses daily

Prompt to clean your own glasses

Aids hearing aids     ( right /left ) Adjust volume daily

Check batteries and clean aids daily

Place objects in the range of vision

Read aloud menus/letters/documents

Gain attention before speaking Speak loudly, clearly and directly Allow extra time for response

Give step-by-step instructions


Assist to write

Assist to use the telephone

Use repetition when difficulty persists
Other Other
Eye care required Observe for eye discharge Ear care required
Speech and language Comprehension issues (For example inappropriate responses)
Language/s spoken English
Orientate Mr Smith to time and place
Speech disorder/s
Translate for resident Take time to listen to Initiate conversation Use language cards

Use picture cards

Care needs: Impaired mobility

Goal: (expected outcome) To maintain safe movement

Ambulation (walking) Transfers
ambulant (able to walk) non-ambulant (unable to walk) independent weight-bearing (able to stand) non-weight bearing (unable to stand)

1-staff assist         2-staff assist

hip replacement     knee replacement amputee  ( left-right )

Aids walking stick Zimmer frame

wheelchair     quad stick

wheeled walker

Aids bed rail       slide sheet gait belt hoist            standing hoist

Hoist sling-type and position of the loop

Other Other
Provide direction Supervise movement

Encourage to maintain mobility

Toileting and continence

Care needs: Urinary incontinence


Goal: (expected outcome) Mr Lewis remain dry at all times

Bladder control a continent      incontinent   catheter     ( occasionally   frequently    total incontinence )
Bladder management fluid balance chart  toilet  (times   0800 1200 1600 2000 )

Other   Prefers male care worker with toileting assistance

Bowel control continent incontinent                   constipation            colostomy        ( occasionally frequently total incontinence )
Bowel management high fibre diet    encourage fluid intake          aperients           bowel chart
Continence aids Day Night
Toileting aids commode              urinal              Uridome           kylie              bedpan

Other Urinal to be used at night

Toileting regime independent      supervise             some assistance/prompt       fully assist Adjust clothing  Position on toiletEncourage self-care            Clean perianal area

Other     Prefers male care worker to assist with toileting

Showering, dressing and grooming
Care needs: Inability to manage own shower and dressing

Goal: (expected outcome) To maintain optimum hygiene levels

Shower and washing
independent   supervise       some assistance/prompt    fully assist shower            bath               spa bath        bed sponge flannel wash Frequency Daily                  Preferred time 0800

Adjust water temperature                         Encourage to optimise self-care

Other       Prefers male care worker for showering assistance

Transfer walk to shower            wheelchair                   Other: Pelican Belt
Showering aids bath trolley                  shower chair                Other
Toiletries normal soap    deodorant       aqueous cream           moisturiser ( am 8 pm)


Haircare wash in shower           wash in bath                Preferred days: 2nd daily


Dressing and undressing
independent   supervise          some assistance/prompt        fully assist

callipers              splints                                        Other

Cultural dressing N/A
Dressing assistance bra                   singlet             buttons                         belt          zips stockings          socks                jewellery         make-up shoes

Assist with selecting clothing Other

Haircare independent   supervise         some assistance/prompt        fully assist


Facial hair       wet shave         dry shave          Frequency  Daily

Hair removal                                                    Frequency

Nail/foot care independent   supervise         some assistance/prompt        fully assist

Podiatry visits 6 weekly. Do not cut nails – RN or podiatrist only

Teeth none          some  ( upper-lower )            all

Cleaning routine Toothbrush and paste: in the morning after breakfast, in the evening before bed

Dentures none    partial    full    ( upper-lower )         Night     in         out

Cleaning routine

Pressure area and skincare
Care needs:

Goal: (expected outcome)

Norton Scale Score        [  ] low risk            [  ] medium risk           [ ] high risk
Pressure relief aids bed cradle    sheepskin  cushion          bedrail/protectors     Other
Pressure area regime Reposition in bed  Reposition in chair    Frequency

special mattress (type                            )       personal chair

Other/specific orders

Skincare emollient cream to dry skin areas ( daily       twice daily )                                                                         Preferred time/s 2000
Eating and drinking
Care needs: To maintain blood sugar at optimal levels

Goal: (expected outcome) Blood sugar levels will be within the normal range for Mr Smith



independent   supervise         some assistance/prompt        fully assist

right-handed left-handed

Preferred place to eat dining room    bedroom                     Other
Type of diet normal            soft             modified soft (minced)    puree
Special diet high fibre        diabetic      enteral feeding (PEG/NGT)
Special instructions
Aids modified crockery       modified cutlery         bowl    lipped plate

built-up cutlery            clothing protector                   Other

independent          supervise  some assistance/prompt        fully assist

right-handed         left-handed

Aids a modified cup               clothing protector
Thickened fluids level 1         level 2            level 3

Type of thickener to be used

Sleep and settling routines
Care needs:

Goal: (expected outcome)

Usual time to rise 0700 Usual times to bed 2030 Rest time ( am 1 pm


Preferred sleeping position Pillows required

Sleep Aids massage music        hot packs          Other
Room light on  door open  door closed   bedrail/protectors            Other
Night-time patterns
Other preferences (For example hot drinks or


Night checks every hour                   every 2 hours                Other
Specialised care plans
Refer to specialised care plans for [X] Medications                [  ] Pain management              [ ] Wound care

[  ] Therapy                       [ ] Restraint management

Social and human needs/activities
Care needs:

Goal: (expected outcome)


Frequency of visit/contact by family/friends   Family visit every weekend. Frequent visits by friends intermittently during the week also.

Religion beliefs/practices Anglican

Pastoral requirements Attend a place of worship (attends Anglican service at Care Plus Aged Care Facility)

Cultural needs

Hobbies/interests   Reading, chess, classical music       Employment history Retired Bank Manager

Care needs: Episodes of short term memory loss and confusion related to the diagnosis of dementia

Goal: (expected outcome) To reduce periods of confusion

Forgets meal times

Orientate Mr Smith to time and place Gain attention before speaking Speak loudly, clearly and directly Allow extra time for response

Give step-by-step instructions

Use repetition when difficulty persists

Additional comments (For example special needs, restraint, routines, pain, palliative care, pacemaker)


Terminal care recorded     Yes     No

Date care plan evaluated (document in progress notes) Signature
Interventions current and effective, nil changes made to care plan Date: ……/……. /…….
Care Plus Aged Care Facility use only
Entered in progress notes Date

Review date every 3 months

Print name Position title


Practical Activities

a) You are required to demonstrate the correct hand washing technique, in accordance with infection control and organisational procedures.


Hand washing (Knowledge & Skills Demonstration)
Instructions for demonstration
You are required to demonstrate the correct hand washing technique, in accordance with infection control and organisational procedures.
Materials and equipment

Hand basin, Paper towel dispenser & cleansing agent as per organisational procedures

During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:  





Assessor’s Comments

· Organise the equipment and environment? o o
· Remove all jewellery from hands and/or wrists o o
·  Turn taps on, and adjust water temperature and flow rate? o o
· Wet hands and wrists prior to applying cleaning solution? o o
· Ensure hands are positioned higher than the elbow and fingers upwards at all times?  




· Apply a generous amount of cleansing agent? o o
· Lather soap using a rotary motion on hands for 30 seconds? o o
· Washback and front of both hands? o o
· Clean between and around each individual finger? o o
· Clean each fingernail? o o
· Ensure wrists were the last part to be cleansed before rinsing? o o
· Avoid touching sink or taps throughout the procedure? o o
· Rinse hand and wrists thoroughly ensuring hands are above elbows at all times?  





· Turn off tap without contaminating hands o o
· Pat hands completely dry with a paper towel in a downward motion from fingertips to wrists to avoid recontamination of hands & wrists?  




· Discard towel appropriately? o o
The candidate’s overall performance met the required standard:   Yes       q           No q
ORAL ASSESSMENT                        Answered Appropriately:     Yes       No

Why do you wash your hands? Assessor to note answer given:









Student signature:
Assessor signature:


b) You are required to demonstrate the correct procedure for transferring a client from bed to chair using the assistance of a mechanical lifter, in accordance with your organisational procedures Work Health and Safety procedures.


Instructions for demonstration
Materials and equipment

Mechanical lifter (also known as Stand Aid lifter, pixel lifter, &/or patient hoist), Patient, Bed, Chair, and assistant if required.

During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:  





Assessor’s Comments

· Check the client care plan and select appropriate lift type? o o
· Explain how you identify the appropriate sling to use o o
· Use an assistant at all times throughout the procedure? o o
· Wash hands as per infection control procedures? o o
· Introduce himself or herself to the client? o o
· Organise equipment & ensure the surrounding environment is uncluttered?  




· Explain the procedure to the client &/or assistant? o o
· Ensure the client has given consent to the procedure? o o
· Provide privacy and dignity throughout the procedure? o o
· Adjust the bed to the correct height before commencing? o o
· Maintain Manual Handling principles at all times throughout the procedure; i.e. Bent knees, straight back, load close?  




· Check the working order of lifter prior to lifting? o o


· Place the mechanical lifter sling on the client correctly? o o
· Co-ordinate the transfer and instructions with the client & assistant throughout the procedure?  




· Respond to the client’s needs

throughout the procedure?

o o
· Reassure the client throughout the procedure? o o
· Leave the client comfortable at the end of the procedure? o o
· Wash hands according to infection control procedures? o o
· Remove and store equipment appropriately on completion of the procedure?  




· Report any appropriate changes in

client’s condition?

o o
ORAL ASSESSMENT                      Answered appropriately:  Yes          No
1. Give an example of a mechanical lifting device other than the one you have used today, and give an example of a situation in which you would need to use it. Assessor to note answer given q q
2. Give an example of another situation where you might require the equipment you have used today? Assessor to note answer given q q
3. If you noticed the mechanical lifter was broken what would you do? Assessor to note answer given q q
The candidate’s overall performance met the required standard:  Yes q  No       q
Student signature:


c) You are required to demonstrate the correct procedure in showering a client who requires assistance with Showering and other Activities of Daily Living.


Showering (Knowledge & Skills Demonstration)
Instructions for demonstration
Materials and equipment

Towels, clients clothing, face washer, toiletries, Shower cubicle, commode chair (if applicable), and personal items.

During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:  





Assessor’s Comments

· Check the client care plan for client capability and/or specific needs required?  




· Wash hands as per infection control procedures? o o
· If there is a risk of exposure to bodily fluids wear gloves, wash hands, and remove waste as per infection control policy?  




· Introduce himself or herself to the client and explain status (i.e. AIN)? o o
· Organise appropriate equipment? o o
· Explain the procedure to the client? o o
· Ensure the client has given informed consent to the procedure? o o
· Involve the client in the procedure by offering choice and encouraging independence throughout?  




· Provide privacy and dignity throughout the procedure? o o
· Ask for assistance from another colleague if required for lifts or transfer as per Manual Handling policy?  





· Assist client to shower cubicle appropriately, whilst maintaining dignity and privacy?  




· Communicate appropriately with the client throughout the procedure? o o
· Ensure water is at an appropriate temperature, and comfortable for the resident before using?  




· Sets up client appropriately for a shower? o o
· Respond to the client’s needs

throughout the procedure and maintain client safety at all times?





· Ensure that independence was encouraged at all times? o o
· Observe client for skin breakdown and reports any changes to appropriate person where applicable?  




· Shower client according to assistance required commencing from the face and washing groin areas last?  




· Towel dry client completely before dressing as per assistance required? o o
· Dress inappropriate clothing according to client choice, and weather conditions?  




· Allow resident to assist with own activities of daily living including grooming, brushing teeth/dentures, make-up?  




· Leave the client comfortable at the end of the procedure? o o
· Wash hands according to infection control procedures? o o
· Return &/or discard bed linen correctly and store client personal belongings & toiletries at end of the procedure?  




· Report any appropriate changes in

client’s condition?

o o
ORAL ASSESSMENT                          Answered Appropriately:  Yes        No


1. Why might you not leave a client alone in the shower? Assessor to note answer given.  









2. A client who has suffered from a stroke is asking for the water to be hotter. When you check the water you notice that it is already really hot, and would possibly burn them if turned up. What is your response and why? Assessor to note answer given.









The candidate’s overall performance met the required standard: Yes  q        No          q
Student signature:
Assessor signature:                                                     Date:


d) The candidate is required to set up and assist the resident with feeding.


Feeding a Resident
Instructions for demonstration
During the demonstration of skills, did the


Yes No Assessor’s Comments
· Review resident records to check the type of

diet(i.e. Pureed, cutup etc) and level of assistance needed prior to commencement





· Wash hands as per infection control procedures? o o
·  Introduce himself or herself to the resident? o o
· Gives clear & relevant explanation to the resident? o o
· Positions resident appropriately? o o
· Ensures residents clothing is protected appropriately? o o


· Facilitates independent effort by the resident? o o
· Places tray and food within easy reach (where appropriate)? o o
· Ensures food temperature is appropriate o o
· Sits with a resident? o o
· Paces procedure to suit the resident? o o
· Cuts food into bite-size pieces (where appropriate diet type) o o
· Leaves resident clean & tidy? o o
· Re-positions resident appropriately? o o
· Ends encounter appropriately? o o
· Returns tray to mobile trolley or kitchen area? o o
· Washes hands? o o
· Report observations to RN? o o
· Documents accurately in resident notes o o
ORAL ASSESSMENT                            Answered Appropriately:  Yes       No
1. Why is it important that a client’s fluid and nutritional intake are

monitored daily? Assessor to note answer given.








2. How can you encourage fluid/food intake? Assessor to note answer given.  




3. If a resident’s family member or carer asked you if they could feed

them, how would you respond? Assessor to note answer given.









The candidate’s overall performance met the required standard:    Yes  q    No q


e) You are required to choose a client/s and record their urine and bowel output for one day and complete this activity.


Continence Assessment Chart
Continence Record
Resident name/ID Facility ID
ACFI appraiser identification details
Appraiser name Appraiser profession
Signature Date
Code               Description

1  incontinent of urine

2 Pad change for incontinence of urine

3 Pad has increased wetness

4 Passed urine during scheduled toileting

5 Incontinent of faeces

6 Pad change for incontinence of faeces

7 bowel open during scheduled toileting

Hour Starting @  

Urinary Record Date

Hour starting @  

Bowel Record Date

0600 / / / / / / 0600 / / / / / / / / / / / /
0700 0600 0700
0800 0700 0800
0900 0800 0900
1000 0900 1000
1100 1000 1100
1200 1100 1200
1300 1200 1300
1400 1300 1400
1500 1400 1500
1600 1500 1600
1700 1600 1700
1800 1700 1800
1900 1800 1900
2000 190


2100 200




2200 210 2200
2300 220 2300

f episodes



# of episodes


# of


f) For this activity, you will be required to demonstrate your communication skills when dealing with a client who has dementia. You are able to choose a resident on clinical experience to complete this activity Your assessor will use the following checklist to ensure you meet the requirements. clinical experience to complete this activity with. Your assessor will use the following


Dementia Communication Skills Demonstration
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No Assessor’s


Introduce themselves to the client? o o
Maintain appropriate eye contact throughout the conversation? o o
Ensure the environment was safe and comfortable for the resident and

self during the interaction?

o o
Maintain a relaxed and friendly approach during the interaction? o o
Maintain appropriate body language at all times? o o
Gain the resident’s trust appropriately prior to and during

the conversation?

o o
Encourage appropriate conversation throughout interaction? o o
Re-orientate the resident as required throughout interaction? o o
Face resident throughout interaction? o o
Respond to resident appropriately? o o
Minimise distractions throughout the conversation? o o
Ensure resident was comfortable at the completion of interaction? o o
Use simple, clear instructions &/or conversation during

the interaction?

o o
Relieve any signs of distress or agitation using appropriate strategies? o o


Show empathy towards client throughout interaction? o o
Provide reassurance to the client throughout conversation where required? o o
Leave the resident comfortable and safe at the completion of


o o
The candidate’s overall performance met the required standards: Yes o No o

Feedback to the student:

Student’s signature:
Assessor’s signature:


Role-Play 2: Primary Skill Assessment: Client Lifting

Candidate name:
Assessor name:
Primary Skill: Transferring the Person Using a Mechanical Lift
Place of Assessment:
Date of assessment: 1st 2nd
Time of Assessment: 1st 2nd

As you progress through this Primary Skill assessment you will need to read each of the items in the left-hand column to make sure you complete the task correctly. Your assessor will place a C or NYC in the boxes next to each part of the task during the assessment. The assessor will complete the column on the right-hand side listing any procedures/settings considered not being competently adhered to. These steps are critical to the performance of each task

Before you begin you will need to confirm that you understand the following safety alert;


Transferring Persons

The person wears non-skid footwear for transfers. Such footwear protects the person from falls. Slipping and sliding are prevented. Remember to securely tie shoelaces. Otherwise, the person can trip and fall. The bed wheels must be locked. And wheelchair and shower chair brakes must be on. Both measures prevent the bed, wheelchair, or shower chair from moving during the transfer. Otherwise, the person can fall. You are also at risk for injury.


Mechanical Lifts

Mechanical lifts vary among manufacturers. Also, manufacturers have different models. Knowing how to use one lift does not mean that you know how to use others. Always follow the

manufacturer’s instructions. If you have questions, ask the nurse. If you have not used a certain lift before, ask the nurse to show you how to use it safely. Also, ask the nurse to help you use it the first time and until you are comfortable using it.


I can confirm that I understand the above safety alert and will apply it to the best of my abilities:


Candidate Signature:


Assessor Signature:


1 Follow Delegation Guidelines: Transferring Persons. See Safety Alerts:

·         Transferring Persons.

·         Mechanical Lifts.

2 Ask a co-worker to help you.
3 Explain the procedure to the person.
4 Collect:

·         Mechanical lift

·         Armchair or wheelchair

·         Footwear

·         Bath blanket or cushion

·         Lap blanket

5 Practice hand hygiene.
6 Identify the person. Check the ID bracelet against the assignment sheet. Call the person by name.
7 Provide for Privacy.
8 Raise the bed for body mechanics. Bed rails are up if used.
9 Lower the head of the bed to a level appropriate for the person. It is as flat as possible.
10 Stand on one side of the bed. Your co-worker stands on the other side.


11. Centre the sling under the person. To position the sling, turn the person from side to side as if making an occupied bed. Position the sling according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
12. Position the person in semi-Fowler’s position.
13. Place the chair at the head of the bed. It should be even with the headboard and about 1 foot away from the bed. Place a folded bath blanket or cushion in the chair.
14 Lock the bed wheels. Lower the bed to its lowest position.
15 Raise the lift so you can position it over the person.
16 Position the lift over the person
17 Lock the lift wheels in position.
18 Attach the sling to the swivel bar
19 Raise the head of the bed to a sitting position.
20 Cross the person’s arms over the chest. He or she can hold onto the straps or chains but not the swivel bar.
21 Raise the lift high enough until the person and sling are free of the bed
22 Have your co-worker support the person’s legs as you move the lift and person away from the bed
23 Position the lift so that the person’s back

is toward the chair.


24 Position the chair so you can lower the person into it.
25 Lower the person into the chair. Guide the person into the chair
26 Lower the swivel bar to unhook the sling. Leave the sling under the person unless otherwise indicated.
27 Put footwear on the person. Position the

person’s feet on wheelchair footplates.

28 Cover the person’s lap and legs with a lap

blanket. Keep it off the floor and wheels.

29 Position the chair as the person prefers. Lock the wheelchair wheels or keep them unlocked according to the care plan.
30 Place the signal light and other needed items within reach.
31 Unscreen the person.
32 Complete a safety check of the room.
33 Decontaminate your hands.
34 Report and record your observations.
35 Reverse the procedure to return the person to bed.



§  Is this activity clear to you?

§  Do you need any assistance to undertake this activity?

o YES   o NO

o YES   o NO

Please, notify your trainer/assessor of your need for assistance immediately after you have read this task.


Role Play 3: Mr Smith is going for an appointment and you are required to transfer him in

Car prior to the appointment. Students to form a group of 2-3 and act out the role-play: Student 1: Mr Smith(Client)

Student 2: Carer

Student 3: Carer


Primary Skill Assessment: Transfer of person in the Car from wheelchair (if required)

It is important to be aware of manual handling hazards prior to undertaking any movement. The following steps involve a safety procedure of transferring a person in the car from the wheelchair (if required)


1 Follow Delegation Guidelines: Transferring Persons. See Safety Alerts:

·         Transferring Persons.

·         Body Mechanics

2 Ask a co-worker to help you.
3 Explain the procedure to the person.
4 Collect:

·         Wheelchair if required

·         Transfer belt / Gait belt / Pelican belt

5 Consider infection control precautions (wash hands, apply appropriate PPE if needed)
6 Identify the person. Check the ID bracelet against the assignment sheet. Call the person by name.
7 Prepare the environment and remove obstructions.


8 Communicate clear instructions at each stage to the person
9 Position the chair or wheelchair so the distance of the transfer is minimum.


If the person is walking ensure safe mobility and uses a pelican belt to transfer safely onto a Car seat.

10 Ensure the brakes are on and any footplates are taken off or swung away if using a wheelchair.
11 Position the feet under the edge of the wheelchair and ensure to remove or move the plates to a side if using a wheelchair.
12 Ask the person to lean forward and if possible position their hands on the armrest if using the wheelchair
13 Stand in front of the person and grasp the handles on either side of the transfer belt or pelican belt to support the person to safely transfer onto a car seat.
14 When ready, guide the person forwards and upwards.
15 Give a command such as 1, 2, 3 for coordination.
16 Slowly guide the person to the car seat
17 Ensure safety throughout the transfer, take precaution so that the person doesn’t hit his head to the car roof while transferring onto the car seat.
18 Gently lower themselves to a seated position.


19 Ensure seat belt is strapped properly

around the person’s body.

20 Ensure blankets if needed.
21 Ensure the child lock is on and notify the driver that the person is settled.
22 Complete a safety check.
23 Decontaminate your hands.
24 Report and record your observations.





§  Is this activity clear to you?

§  Do you need any assistance to undertake this activity?

o YES   o NO

o YES   o NO

Please, notify your trainer/assessor of your need for assistance immediately after you have read this task.


Role Play 4: Mr Jones has been to an appointment and you are required to transfer him out of the car once he is back from an appointment. Students to form a group of 2-3 and act out the role-play:

Student 1: Mr Jones (Client) Student 2: Carer

Student 3: Carer


Primary Skill Assessment: Transfer of person out of the car into the wheelchair (if required)

It is important to be aware of manual handling hazards prior to undertaking any movement. The following steps involve a safety procedure of transferring a person out of the car into the wheelchair


1 Follow Delegation Guidelines: Transferring Persons. See Safety Alerts:

·         Transferring Persons.

·         Body Mechanics

2 Ask a co-worker to help you.
3 Collect:

·         Wheelchair if required

·         Transfer belt / Gait belt / Pelican belt

4 Consider infection control precautions (wash hands, apply appropriate PPE if needed)
5 Identify the person. Check the ID bracelet against the assignment sheet. Call the person by name.
6 Prepare the environment and remove obstructions.
7 Communicate clear instructions at each stage to the person
8 Ensure the vehicle is completely stopped and parked in a safe parking area.
9 Make sure there is enough space accessible for the transfer most especially if it requires transfer to a wheelchair.
10 Introduce self to the client and the purpose of the procedure
11 Remove seat belt.


12 Ask the client to lean forward and apply the gait/walk/ pelican belt properly around the waist area.
13 Guide the client through the car opening, ensure the feet is in the proper position for balance.
14 Give a command such as 1, 2, 3 for coordination.
13 Grasp the handles on either side of the transfer belt or pelican belt to support the person to stand up, mind your body mechanics
15 Ensure safety throughout the transfer, take precaution so that the person doesn’t hit his head to the car roof while transferring
16 Ensure the client is safe to mobilise, note any signs of dizziness from motion sickness.
17 Complete a safety check.
18 Decontaminate your hands.
19 Report and record your observations.





§  Is this activity clear to you?

§  Do you need any assistance to undertake this activity?

o YES   o NO

o YES   o NO

Please, notify your trainer/assessor of your need for assistance immediately after you have read this task.


Delegation Guidelines:

Transferring Persons


When delegated transferring procedures, you need this information from the nurse and the care plan:


·         What procedure to use:

–          Transferring the Person to a Chair or Wheelchair

–          Transferring the Person from a Chair or Wheelchair to Bed

–          Transferring the Person Using a Mechanical Lift

–          Transferring the Person to and from a Toilet

–          Transferring the person to and from a Car

·         Areas of weakness. For example, if the person’s arms are weak, the person cannot hold the side of the mattress for support. If the person has a weak left side, he or she gets out of bed on the stronger right side. The person can use the right arm to help move from the lying to sitting position.

·         What equipment is needed – transfer belt, wheelchair, mechanical lift, positioning devices, wheelchair cushion, and so on.

·         The amount of help the person needs

·         How many co-workers need to help you

·         What observations to report and record:

–          Pulse rate before and after transfer

–          Complaints of light-headedness, pain, discomfort, difficulty breathing, weakness, or fatigue

–          The amount of help needed to transfer the person

–          How the person helped with the transfer


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