CHCAGE005 Student Assessment Workbook Answers


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CHCAGE005 Final Assessment-1





1).  List a minimum of seven (7) common symptoms of dementia.



2).  List a minimum of five (5) types of behaviour a person with dementia may display.



3).  List a minimum of four (4) common types of dementia and provide a brief description of each?



4). In the table below list the brain changes and behaviours of a regular aging person to the behaviours of a person who is living with dementia.

Typical aging symptoms Dementia symptoms


5).  People with damage to different parts of the brain will demonstrate different types of behaviour. In the table provided below explain the relationship between brain changes and behaviour in people with dementia for each area listed below.

Frontal Lobe (front) Temporal Lobe (side) Parietal Lobe (back)


6).  List four (4) examples of the impacts that dementia may have on family, family carers, and significant others supporting people who are affected by dementia.



7).  List four (4) key points of PCC in the space below. (Guide: simple bullet points are suitable)



8).  People who are living with dementia will benefit if their carers take a person-centred approach to meet their individual needs, which includes carers communicating with each other. In the table below describe how each of the carers listed can create a stable and familiar environment for the people living with dementia.

Family member carer Professional carer


9).  Give two (4) examples of impacts of dementia on the wider community



10).  In the space provided list five (5) available support services and information that families and carers of people with dementia can access.



11).  It is important to observe the financial, physical and emotional state of people who are affected by dementia to ensure that they are not being abused or neglected by their carers or other family members. In the table below list signs of abuse for each category listed.

Financial neglect Physical neglect Emotional neglect


12).  In one (1) short sentence explain what you should do if you witness signs of financial, physical or emotional abuse when working with people affected by dementia?



13). Provide three (3) examples of a non-verbal method of communication that would be appropriate to use with a person affected by dementia.



14).  List minimum of four (4) types of communication strategies you would use with a frustrated dementia client who is having great difficulty remembering words.



15).  In your own words explain what reality orientation means when dealing with clients who have dementia.



16).  Give two (2) simple examples of how you would provide reassurance by using reality orientation.



17).  List three (3) examples of validation strategies you could use if a person affected by dementia is showing signs of agitation and distress and explain why you would use them. (Guide: short description for each validation strategy is sufficient)

Validation strategy Why would you use this strategy




CHCAGE005 Final Assessment-2



Topic 1: Provide support to those affected by dementia.


1).  Dementia is the term used to describe the symptoms of a large group of illnesses which cause a progressive decline in a person’s mental functioning. Match the following types of dementia provided in the box below to their respective description. Write the letter of the corresponding answer in the blank below.


               the underlying cause of symptoms relates to a decline in the production of a brain chemical called dopamine.


                type of dementia that appears at an earlier stage in their life when  they are likely to be more physically and socially active.


                broad term for dementia associated with problems of circulation of blood to the brain.


               is caused by the degeneration and death of nerve cells in the brain.


               form of dementia related to the excessive drinking of alcohol.


               an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.


                An inherited condition in which nerve cells in the brain break down over time.


                 a type of dementia that is due to progressive damage to the frontal and/or temporal lobes of the brain.


a).  Younger onset dementia

b).  Parkinson’s disease

c).  Lewy bodies

d).  Vascular dementia or multi- infarct dementia

e).  Alzheimer’s disease

f).  Korsakoff Syndrome

g).  Frontal temporal lobar degeneration (FLTD) including Pick’s disease

h).  Huntington’s disease


Q2: Fill in the blanks. The formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are thought to contribute to the degradation of the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain and the subsequent symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Describe the following pathological features and how they relate to dementia:


Amyloid plaques                Neurofibrillary tangles


            are insoluble twisted fibers found inside the brain’s cells. These tangles consist primarily of a protein called tau, which forms part of a structure called a microtubule. In a healthy brain, the protein fragments are broken down and eliminated. In Alzheimer’s disease, the fragments accumulate to form hard, insoluble plaques called                  .




Q3: Mr. Jo Stan, a 79-year-old man born on 29th May 1935. Mr. Stan has moderate


dementia, but is generally cooperative and good humoured. He is cared for at home by his wife, but visits the day care centre that you work in twice a week. One day, you notice that he is much quieter than usual and quite withdrawn. The television is blaring loudly in the background, and he gets up saying that he is leaving. You try to encourage him to sit down, but he becomes very angry, yelling, and attempting to hit you.


a).  Write three (3) potential triggers in this situation.



b).  Provide three (3) ways to settle this situation and to whom you would report the incident.


c).  Document the episode in Stan’s Progress Notes (refer to the template below and complete) and suggest strategies for responding to future incidents in the…


d).  If you have noted behaviors of concern with Stan, how do you document in the behavior monitoring outcome. Use the template below to write the challenging behaviors of Stan.


Patient is to be commenced on behaviour chart for AIN’s to report any Challenging Behaviour


Determine triggers to challenging behaviours and how to avoid the same.

Enter triggers and appropriate interventions to minimise the incident of behaviours

RN’s to be notified and evaluate interventions by RN every 3 months as per NCP evaluation


e).  You might have to fill additional form to document the behaviours of Mr. Stan, Use the template below to document any new behaviours that has not been documented in behaviour monitoring Outcome chart used above.


Purpose: To monitor challenging behaviour and identify triggers to problem Behaviour.




RN to commence monitoring whenever staff reports challenging behaviour exhibited by resident that have not already been identified in the behaviour monitoring outcome form.

Determine new triggers to behaviour and implement interventions via the behaviour monitoring outcome form.

Continue monitoring the behaviour for up to 7 days to determine the effectiveness of interventions used.



When What? Where? Who? Why? How?
When did it happen What behaviour was observed? Be specific. Where did the behaviour occur? Who else was present? What else was happening? What may have caused or triggered the behaviour? How did others/staff respond to the behaviour? How did the resident react?
date time


f).  If you have identified any behaviors of concern with Mr.Stan such as physical aggressive behavior and if you think the behavior might be a risk to staff/others, fill in the behavior of concern incident form.

STAR Health Care

Behaviour of Concern Incident Form

Surname Stan
Sex: Male
DOB May 29, 1935
MRN/CRN MRN: 12545626
Diagnosis Dementia
Date: Time:
Name of the person completing the form
Does the resident/patient have a pre- existing behavioural problem? Yes             No
Has the resident been aggressive before: Yes             No
Tick the most appropriate type of behaviour involved:

Punch        Hit     Scratch        Kick      Spit       Trip     Yelling       Racial Abuse       Bite Grabing Pushing      Throwing Objects        Hair Pulling     Bent Fingers Back      Sexual Harassment Touching Unwelcomed        Sexual Comments      Abusive/offensive comments      other.

Tick what activity you were engaged in when the challenging behaviour occurred?

Feeding        Lifting      Turning        Dressing/Undressing           Transfer/Transporting

Bathing          Grooming         Awaken from Sleep          Toileting                     Redirecting Other Activity                    


Was there a trigger to this behaviour/ Incident?  (Yes or No)


  • Did the resident appear anxious or agitated prior to incident?
  • Is the resident on regular sedative/ psychotropic medication?
  • Was Patient asleep?    Did you wake the patient? Was the patient regularly turned for skin Integrity?
  • Was the patient disturbed by staff or another resident?
  • Is the resident in Pain? Has the resident been given Pain relief?
  • Did you give full attention to the patient or were you talking to your Partner (co-worker)?
  • Was the patient engaged in an activity not wanting to be disturbed?
  • Any Other      please define                  


Indicate the seriousness of the incident from your perspective by circling the appropriate number 0 (not at all serious)  1             2                 3                    4                        5 (extremely serious) Were you or others injured? Yes,    No       Would you like to talk about this Incident?  Yes      No


Have you reported/discussed about this Incident with the RN? Yes No
Have you completed all the documentation and updated the NCP? Yes No


Has the incident been reported to the LMO?  Yes             Date:            


g).  Student to identify the Variations and the frequency of physical behaviour of Mr. Stan and to use appropriate codes to document the behaviour identified and initial at the appropriate time identified. This form is to be used by student when the trainer states to commence on ACFI assessments for Funding.

ACFI Behaviour Record for Physical Behaviour

CODES: P1: Physically threatens P2: Socially inappropriate

P3: Constantly physically agitated

Name Jo
Surname Stan
DOB May 29, 1935
LMO Dr. Dre
Time code initial code initial code initial code initial


h).  Student to participate in developing care plan with the supervisor (RN) for Mr.Stan as you have already identified the behaviours, triggers and the frequency of behaviours. Student is required to assist supervisor in planning interventions for Mr.Stan to modify the Physical Behaviour. Use the template below to develop a care plan for Stan.


STAR Health Care Nursing Care Plan

Name: Jo
Surname: Stan
DOB: May 29, 1935
LMO: Dr. Dre


Physical Behaviour

Identified Needs Goals Interventions
The Physically aggressive behaviour is displayed by: Physically threatening or doing harm to self, other or property by:

Biting/ Hitting/ Spitting/ Pushing / Kicking /Pulling Hair Throwing Objects/ Self Mutilation / Climbing out of bed/ Burning self when smoking/ attempting to smoke indoors/ Hoarding Items/ Faecal Smearing/ Repeatedly loosing things/ Removing or destroying incontinence pads/ obsessional Traits

e.g.                                            .

Socially inappropriate behaviour impacting of other residents

e.g.                                            .

Constantly physically agitated. The behaviour’s is directed at self, other residents, visitors, staff.

Sign:                    Date                Evidenced By:

Wandering/ Verbal / Physical Behaviour Assessments.

To reduce noisy and disruptive behaviour.



To minimize the frequency and/or duration of the behaviour.



Minimize distress to




Minimize distress/disturbance to other residents/visitors.



Sign:                          Date:                       

1.                                          requires monitoring & or intervention by staff to manage the behaviour:

a.  Very occasionally

b.  less than 1/week

c.  at least 1/week

d.  at least 6 days/week

e.  at least twice/day and at least 6 days/week.

2.      Ensure basic needs are met including: – hunger/ thirst/ cold/ hot/ pain/ boredom/ loneliness.

3.  Offer toileting

4.      Engage                       in social contact – spend time 1:1.

5.      Divert attention with meaningful occupational & recreational activities.

6.      Remove/reduce triggers to behaviour. Identified triggers include:


7.                        is on Physical/ Chemical Restraint.

8.  If resident becomes aggressive

a.      Ensure the immediate safety of all concerned.

b.      Attempt to remove

                                   from public area.

c.       Seek assistance from other staff if necessary. Sign:                  Date:




CHCAGE005 Final Assessments-3



Assessment method 3 – Observation


Assessment Task 1.


Role Play Scenario

You the student are a care worker at a home where older people reside on a full time/permanent basis. Many of the people live with dementia. Below are several scenarios that you are required to ‘act out’ in role play? A classmate or colleague is to play the role of the person with dementia.

Julie’s mother lives with dementia and has recently moved into the aged care facility where you work as a support worker. You have just met Julie as she came to visit her mother. You were talking to Julie on her way out  of her mother’s room and this is what she said to you:

“Fortunately Mum’s personality has not changed at all. She is still her dear self, kind and gentle, well groomed, cooperative and very social. When I visited her last week she became agitated and distressed. I couldn’t work out what was happening at first, then I wondered if she may want to go to the toilet. I took her there, she smiled her usual warm smile and said ‘what are we here for? Just give me a hint, just a clue, and I’ll be ok.’ She could use the toilet after given  a hint. The awful thing was that she could not think what to do by herself. I could hardly contain my tears and had to leave quickly before she saw me start crying.”

The task:

One of your classmates or colleagues is to play the part of Julie. You are required to demonstrate what you say, what advice you might give or what you would do if a significant other of a person you cared for was in this situation. Julie is clearly upset and is having trouble coping with the impact of dementia.


Assessment task 2


  • Read the scenario that typifies what occurs in an Aged Care Facility. When you believe you understand the scenario, you will be asked to role play this with your fellow
  • Your assessor will provide you with further instructions prior to carrying this assessment
  • You must demonstrate appropriate behaviors to all the tasks to achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment. Refer to the observation sheet to get an understanding of what is required
  • If you do not achieve this, you will be asked to re do the task
  • You should be able to complete this role play in 10 minutes


Role Play Scenario


Mr Peter Johnson lives in a dementia specific residential home. He constantly asks staff what day it is, what time it is and where his room is. His short-term memory loss causes him to forget soon after he receives a reply. Staff have noted that Mr Peter also has marked hearing loss and he becomes agitated (and louder) when he is unable to understand the responses to his repeated questions. Mr Peter’s agitation and loud voice also impact negatively on other residents in the home.


The task:

a).  List the possible triggers for this behaviour(s)

b).  Suggested strategies and interventions for managing the challenging behaviour(s)

c).  You will be asked to demonstrate the strategies you have suggested via role play in the class. Your assessor will use the following observation sheet to assess your interaction with Mr Johnson.


Assessment Method 4 – Work placement Assessment


Your WAP contains two forms that need to be completed:

a).  Work place Attendance Report

b).  Observation Checklist


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  • CHCAGE005 Case Study Answers
  • CHCAGE005 Assessment Answers


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