CHC52015 Case Management Workbook 4A:- Working with Clients Case Management


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Assignment Details:-

  • Topic: Case Management Part 1: Working with Clients 
  • Words: 3000




The units of competency specify the standards of performance required in the workplace.

This assessment addresses the following unit(s) of competency from CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services:


CHCCSM005 – Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management

  1. Determine appropriate response to case management in accordance with organisation and legislative requirements
  2. Conduct case management meetings
  3. Develop an appropriate case management plan
  4. Monitor and review case work activities and processes


CHCCCS004 – Assess co-existing needs

  1. Prepare for assessment
  2. Analyse the person’s needs using a collaborative approach
  3. Determine appropriate services
  4. Complete reporting
  5. Evaluate assessment and referral process


CHCCSM004 – Coordinate complex case requirements

  1. Establish coordination function
  2. Support the client to access multiple services
  3. Monitor client progress





To complete the assessments in this workbook, students need to have access to their learning materials and the internet. The written questions and project may be completed wholly at the student’s home or chosen place of study.





The assessment requirements specify the evidence and required conditions for assessment.

Each unit of competency can be unbundled to reveal three key assessment components:

  1. Performance Evidence
    • describes the subtasks that make up the element of the unit
  2. Knowledge Evidence
    • describes the knowledge that must be applied in understanding the tasks described in the elements
  3. Assessment Condition
    • describes the environment and conditions that assessments must be conducted under


The associated assessment method in this kit covers all of these components as detailed in the matrix to follow:

Units of Competency
Assessment Activities CHCCSM005 CHCCCS004 CHCCSM004
Written questions X X X




Assessor to provide:

  • Case studies and simulations
  • Information about work activities, as necessary

The student to provide:

  • Computer with:
    • Internet access through Google Chrome or other internet browsers
    • MS Word or equivalent applications
    • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Access to legislation and protocols relevant to the community services industry, social work and case management, including codes of conduct, practice standards, eyc.





1. Match the following description to the correct models of case management by writing the corresponding letters on the spaces provided:

  • A very brief approach to case management in which case workers attempt to help clients identify their needs and broker support services.
  • Utilises the commonly accepted functions of case management and is characterised by a closer involvement between case manager and client.
  • Assumes a comprehensive role for a team of case managers by providing services such as skills-building, family consultations, and crisis intervention.
  • Provides outreach and direct counselling services with a smaller caseload and without a team approach.
  • Combines case management and clinical or rehabilitation activities.
  • Focuses on client’s strengths, self-direction, and the use of informal help networks.
Assertive community treatment case management
Brokerage case management
Clinical case management
Generalist case management
Intensive case management
Strengths-based case management


2.   Briefly explain the Case Management Approach diagram shown below.


3. Match the following description to the correct approaches to service delivery by writing the corresponding letters on the spaces provided:

  • An approach that ensures a community practitioner identifies the needs of the client and empowers the client to seek solutions where they support and guide the client towards these solutions. In a community context, this approach is where services look at the needs of a community as a whole and develop/implement solutions to provide specific services to meet these needs.
  • An approach to providing support and resources to individuals that focuses on identifying and building their assets and skills, to help them create the needed change. Clients will achieve much more of they are assisted to identify, recognise and use the strengths they have identified.
  • Invests individuals as ‘rights-holders’, creates an avenue for their voices to be heard, and enables them to be empowered.
  • This approach ensures that the focus is on what matters to the person receiving support and their families. It is about ensuring a person is at the centre of decisions which relate to their life. It ensures that people are seen as unique individuals with valuable gifts and contributions.


4. Illustrate the requirements of evidence based practice using a Venn diagram.


a. Click on this resource to read more about Venn diagrams.

b. Hold down the Ctrl key as you click on the icon below to access the template.

c. Download the blank template and illustrate the requirements of evidence- based practice Venn Diagram.

d. Save the file. Use the filename: [Last Name]_[First Name]_Evidence Based Practice Venn Diagram

e. Submit the file along with this workbook according to the instructions in the Evidence to Submit section of this workbook.


5.   Briefly explain the application of each contemporary behaviour change models and provide two (2) examples of general interventions used in case management.
Behaviour Change Model Application Interventions
Trans theoretical Model
Relapse Prevention Model
Ecological Approaches
6. Which three (3) statements below are true about the scope and purpose of the Case Management Standards of Practice (Australia)?
  Standards of practice are designed to enhance case management practice.
  Standards of practice are intended to detract from any responsibilities which may be imposed by law or regulation.
  Standards of practice provide a basis for quality guarantee, expectations and accountability for clients, employers and other professionals.


Standards of practice reinforce current practices and are designed to provided objectives and guidelines to assist the case manager in competently practicing case management.


7.      Briefly describe the following types of assessment and their use in different contexts.

  • Generic assessment
  • Intake assessment
  • Social assessment
  • Social history report
  • Risk assessment
  • Bio psychosocial assessment


8.  Explain the role and responsibilities of the following who may be involved in the assessment process:

  • Case manager
  • Client
  • Key Stakeholders
  • Agency

Guidance: Provide at least two (2) responsibilities for each.


9. Which three (3) statements below are true about the impact of the setting to the assessment process?
  It is important to establish and maintain rapport throughout the assessment to help the client feel comfortable and receptive to assessment.


It is not appropriate to conduct and complete the assessment in a client’s home as this may inconvenience the case manager and make him/her uncomfortable with the unfamiliar environment.
  Maintain  client’s focus  and take  care  that the interview remains on track to obtain the necessary information by minimising outside distraction and noise.
  The assessment must be conducted in a comfortable room that is private to ensure that confidentiality can be maintained and that others cannot hear the conversation.


10.  Answer the following questions:

  • What are the functions of assessment tools?
  • List three (3) examples of assessment tools.
  • What are the validity and reliability requirements of assessment tools?
a. Functions of assessment tools
b. Examples of assessment tools
c. Validity and reliability requirements


11.   Briefly describe the following methods of collecting information:

a.      Self-reports

b.      Informant reports

c.       Health records

a. Self-reports
b. Informant reports
c. Health records


12.  Mandatory reporting requirements and format related to community services:

  • Complete the table below about the mandatory reporting requirements when working with children in your state/territory
  • Provide a photo or a screenshot of a reporting template used in community services. If the screenshot of the template is taken online, specify the link on the space provided. If there is no reporting template used in your State/Territory, provide the URL of the relevant Child Protection website that provides instructions on how to report child abuse in your State/Territory.


Who is mandated to report? What must be reported? Abuse and neglect types which must be reported
Reporting template used in your state/territory




13. Briefly explain the following legal and ethical considerations that must guide the

case manager’s assessment practice:

  • Confidentiality
  • Disclosure
  • Duty of care
  • Informed consent
  • Privacy


14.  Identify two (2) risks of harm and your responsibilities relating to duty care as a case manager for:

  • Children and young people
  • People with a disability
  • People experiencing domestic violence
  • A situation of elder abuse
  • Someone contemplating suicide
a. Children and young people
Risks of harm Responsibilities
b. People with a disability
Risks of harm Responsibilities
c. People experiencing domestic violence
Risks of harm Responsibilities
d. A situation of elder abuse
Risks of harm Responsibilities
e. Someone contemplating suicide
Risks of harm Responsibilities


15.   Answer the questions below:

  • Define family structure and family dynamics.
  • List and describe two (2) types of communication patterns followed by families.
  • Describe the three (3) types of decision-making processes utilised by families.


16.  Complete the table below by providing the:

  • brief history (if applicable)
  • protocols & systems
  • considerations
  • special needs

of the following diverse client/population:

a. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

b. children and young people

c. culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)

d. lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTI)

e. older people

f. people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

g. people with a disability

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

History Protocols & systems Guidance: Provide at least three (3) cultural protocols & systems that may apply when working with ATSI people. Considerations

Guidance: Provide at least three (3) things workers need to consider when working with this group.

Special needs

Guidance: List any needs that may relate specifically to the ATSI people, i.e., support, type of services, etc.

Children and young people

History Protocols & systems Guidance: Provide at least three (3) agreed protocols for collaborative practice in child protection. Considerations Guidance: Provide at least three (3) things that workers need to consider

when working with children and young people.

Special needs

Guidance: Provide at least three (3).

List any needs that may related specifically to children and young people, i.e., support, type of

services, etc.

**No need to fill out this column

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)

History Protocols & systems Guidance: Provide at least three (3) that may apply when working with culturally and linguistically diverse



Guidance: Provide at least three (3) things workers need to consider when working with CALD


Special needs

Guidance: Provide at least three (3).

List any needs that may related specifically to working with CALD


Lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTI)

History Protocols & systems Guidance: Provide at least three (3) that may apply when working with LGBT individuals. Considerations Guidance: Provide at least three (3) things that workers need to consider

when working with LGBTI


Special needs

Guidance: Provide at least three (3).

List any needs that may relate specifically to working with LGBTI clients.

Older people

History Protocols & systems Guidance: Provide one (1) prevailing protocol in your state/territory that responds to the

service needs of older people.

Considerations Guidance: Provide at least three (3) things that workers need to consider

when working with the elderly.

Special needs

Guidance: Provide at least three (3).

List any needs that may relate specifically to working with older


**No need to fill out this column State/territory: Protocol/systems:

People experiencing or at risk of homelessness

History Protocols & systems Guidance: Provide one (1) prevailing protocol in your state/territory that responds to the service needs of people experiencing

or at risk of homelessness.

Considerations Guidance: Provide at least three (3) things that workers need to consider

when working with people

experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Special needs

Guidance: Provide at least three (3).

List any needs that may relate specifically to working with people experiencing or at risk of


**No need to fill out this column State/territory: Protocol/systems:

People with a disability

History Protocols & systems Guidance: Provide one (1) prevailing protocol in your state/territory that responds to the service needs of people with


Considerations Guidance: Provide at least three (3) things that workers need to consider

when working with people with a disability.

Special needs

Guidance: Provide at least three (3).

List any needs that may relate specifically to working with people with a disability.

**No need to fill out this column State/territory: Protocol/systems:


17. Briefly explain the common service requirements of community care providers in your state/territory.
Common service requirements:


18.  Briefly explain the following aspects of community services:

  • Community support
  • Education and training
  • Employment
  • Financial support
  • Housing
  • Physical and mental health
  • Social inclusion


19.  List three (3) examples of each of the following as they apply to Community Services in your state/territory:

  • Specialist services and support available
  • Networks available
  • Examples of local services and supports available in your state/territory


20. Funding for organisations can be accessed in a number of ways. Briefly explain the following:

  • Commonwealth-direct funding
  • Commonwealth-State Agreements
  • State/Territory-direct funding


21. Identify three (3) occasions when a service may need to refer a client to another service provider.


22. Explain the following formal processes used in case management for information sharing and planning?

  • Case conferences
  • Case review meetings
  • Formal briefings on client progress


23. What are the relevant documentation protocols/requirements observed by Community Services case managers?


24. What are the strategies used by a Community Service organisation in monitoring and reviewing case work activities and processes.


25. What are the rights of the client, family, community, and organisation in the decision-making and case management process?
The rights of the client:
The rights of the client’s family:
The rights of the community:
The rights of the organisation providing services:


26. What are the requirements and boundaries of a case manager’s coordination role in the community services?

Guidance: Provide at least five (5).


27. Every individual has their own value system which may have an effect on the case management  process.  Briefly  discuss  how  the  individual  value  systems  of  the client  and  workers/key  stakeholders  can  impact  on  case  management outcomes.
a. Client
b. Worker and key stakeholders


28.In 150 words, summarise the principles and practices 0f planning for individuals with complex needs.
29. In 150 words, summarise the  principles  and  practices 0f working across multiple services.
30. What are the issues/concerns/barriers that may cause client confusion when they are accessing multiple services?
31. What  are  the  issues  faced  by  clients,  their  family  and  carers  when  accessing multiple services?
32. What are the impacts of service duplication to clients, families and carers?


33. Identify and explain at least three (3) impacts of generational abuse to individuals who have experienced this.


34. What are the impacts of welfare dependency to individuals?


35. What is the basic feature of multiple and complex needs affecting client groups?


36. In 150 words, describe the impact of having clients with multiple and complex needs to community service organisations and service providers?


37. Chris is a 24 year old male who was first diagnosed with anxiety and depression during high school. He has been diligently visiting his psychiatrist and attending therapy sessions ever since. But, he stopped seeing his psychiatrist and therapy sessions when his mother passed away last month.

Over the past few weeks, Chris’ family and friends have noticed increasingly bizarre behaviour. On many occasions, they’ve overheard him whispering in an agitated voice, even though no one is nearby.

At the supermarket where Chris works, his supervisor has already warned him that he might lose his job due to an incident with a male customer. There were a number of that he has arrived at work appearing to be under the influence of alcohol/drugs.

a. What are the complex issues that Chris might be experiencing?
b. What are the potential interrelationships between the complex issues you have identified?
c. In this scenario, what are the indicators of imminent self-harm or harm to others?

Guidance: Provide five (5) for each.

Indicators of imminent self-harm
Indicators of imminent harm to others


38. You have received a call from an anonymous neighbour of Leticia Thompson. The caller did not want to give her name because she did not want to be involved but reported being concerned about her neighbours. The caller reported that the family’s home is just across the road from her house.

Two nights before, the neighbour heard banging, crying, and shouting. Last night, the caller heard Paul, Leticia’s husband, shouting and cursing at the children, and had heard more crying. This morning, the neighbour bumped into Leticia  and noticed that she had a black eye that was badly concealed with makeup. The caller greeted Leticia’s two children who were  with her, Amber (4 y/o) and Aaron (1 y/0), and noticed that there are bruises and welts in the children’s arms. When the caller tried to talk to Amber and Aaron, the two hid behind their mother and would not speak.

When you checked the Thompson’s family records, Paul had already been charged with domestic violence in a previous relationship.

a. What are the issues that Leticia and her family might be experiencing?
b. What are the potential interrelationships between the complex issues you have identified?


39. Philip, 36 years old, married with two children, has been working as a delivery driver for a large food service distributor for four years. One afternoon, Philip’s company notified him that it was laying him off along with more than a hundred employees.

He searched aggressively for jobs in the newspaper and online but could not secure a position. His self-esteem fell, and he became depressed. Philip was so demoralised by the loss of his job that he started to drink more often. The drinking became regular and so did the fights with his wife. The fights became so physical that his wife left him, took the children and moved in with her parents. About six months after losing his job, Philip stopped receiving support from Centrelink as he was not actively looking for a job. He was evicted from the apartment because he was unable to pay the rent.

Family and friends allowed him to stay with them but his heavy drinking and anger issues got worse, and his hosts always asked him to leave. When Philip ran out of people to stay with, he found himself without a place to stay for the night and started sleeping at the park.

a. What are the issues that Philip might be experiencing?
b. What are the potential interrelationships between the complex issues you have identified?


40. Danvir, a 9 year old boy, is often teased by his classmates because he wears a turban and has a long hair. They call him a girl, saying he shouldn’t go to the boy’s restroom, and threatens to cut off his hair. Unlike other mums, his mum had sent a letter to the school to explain their family’s faith.

Danvir and his family are Sikh, and confusion about their religion has led to bullying in the past. Each new school year seemed to bring Danvir more tears and frustration. Danvir has told his parents many times that he does not want to go to school anymore because “everybody is being mean”.

a. What are the issues that Danvir might be experiencing?
b. What are the potential interrelationships between the complex issues you have identified?


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