Certification Course for Kindergarten Principals – English Stream


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Assignment Details:-

  • Module Code: CECE 2712-1
  • Module Title: Learning and Teaching
  • Length: 15 slides of powerpoint presented in 15 minutes
  • Deadline: As Per Required


Assignment Specification



Group Presentation (80% of final grade)



In groups of 3-4, students are required to design and plan for a school- based curriculum, from the perspectives and roles as school leaders, in promoting the areas of learning and teaching in a selected school setting.


Students will select a case from the group member(s), conduct a needs analysis from the principal’s perspectives on the case (e.g. identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). Then, students will design a school-based curriculum targeting at the case, to foster the outcomes of learning and teaching in that school. The content of the plan should include:

  • Current situation and needs of the school
  • The purpose(s) and content of its school-based curriculum
  • Steps of implementation
  • Expected outcome(s) and assessment methods
  • Possible difficulties and suggested solution(s)


Assessment Rubric:

Current Situation and Needs Analysis of the school (20%)
Excellent (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Pass (D) Fail (F)
  •  Very detailed and precise analysis of current needs and situation of the school.
  • Detailed analysis of current needs and situation of the school.
  • General analysis of current needs and situation of the school.
  • Fair analysis of current needs and situation of the school.
  • Unable to analyze current needs and situation of the school.
Planning and Implementation of the School-based Curriculum (50%)
Excellent (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Pass (D) Fail (F)
  • Very effective and appropriate planning of the school-based curriculum
  • Very detailed and concrete description of curriculum goals, content, implementation steps, learning outcomes and assessment methods.
  • Clear and appropriate planning of the school-based curriculum
  • Concrete description of curriculum goals, content, implementation steps, learning outcomes and assessment methods.
  • Generally appropriate planning of the school-based curriculum
  • General description of curriculum goals, content, implementation steps, learning outcomes and assessment methods.
  • Fair planning of the school- based curriculum
  •  Fair description of curriculum goals, content, implementation steps, learning outcomes and assessment methods.
  • Poor or lack of planning of the school-based curriculum
  • Poor description of curriculum goals, content, implementation steps, learning outcomes and assessment methods.
Predicted Problems and Suggestions (15%)
Excellent (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Pass (D) Fail (F)
  • Ø  Predict possible problems
  • encountered in school-based curriculum in a precise manner.
  • Provide effective and concrete suggestions to
  • solve problems.
  • Predict possible problems encountered in school-based curriculum in a clear manner.
  • Provide possible suggestions to solve problems.
  • Predict possible problems encountered in school-based curriculum in a general manner.
  • Provide some recommendations to solve problems.
  • Predict possible problems encountered in school-based curriculum in a fair manner.
  • Provide limited suggestions to solve problems.
  • Not able to predict possible problems encountered in school-based curriculum.
  • No able to provide any suggestions to solve problems.
Presentation Style and Organization (15%)
Excellent (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Pass (D) Fail (F)
  • Presentation is very clear and well-organized.
  • Presentation is clear and organized.
  • Presentation is generally clear and organized.
  • Presentation is fairly clear and less organized.
  • Presentation is unclear and unorganized.



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