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BX3013 Strategic Performance Management Assessment Task Answer




Referencing Styles: APA

Course Code: BX3013

Course Title: strategic performance management




The aim of this assessment is to compare and contrast, from a management accounting perspective, the critical issues in implementing Balanced Scorecards in organizations in any of the following two countries: Australia, USA, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Malaysia, Singapore and Finland.


  1. It is an individual assignment.
  2. Read the BX3013 Essay rubric prior to commencing this task
  3. Review literature from various sources, including:
  1. Relevant chapters in Horngren et al.
  2. Journals (see list below as a starting point). These can be accessed as e-journals via the library web page.
  1. The British Accounting Review
  2. Management Accounting Research
  3. Journal of Management Accounting Research
  4. Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change
  5. Advances in Management Accounting
  6. Accounting, Accountability and Auditing
  7. Managerial Auditing Journal
  8. Accounting Horizons
  9. Accounting and Finance
  1. Online databases (click ‘Databases’ on the library web page). Some good databases to search are ABI/INFORM  global, Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), Emerald Insight and Google Scholar (,
  2. Various books sourced via the library catalogue.