BUSM 4555 Contemporary Management: Issues and Challenges


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Assignment Details:-

  • Course Code: BUSM 4555
  • Course Title: Contemporary Issues for Management
  • Referencing Styles: Harvard
  • Words: 9999+
  • University: Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • Country: SG


Case Study-


In April 2015, Airbnb released news that it planned to offer its rental platform in Cuba after the Presidents of US and Cuba jointly announced their interests to restore diplomatic ties that were absent for more than 50 years. Setting up a business platform in Cuba will require overcoming a host of challenges, including spotty web access, limited payment options and the ongoing US embargo.

Is the Cuban plan an attempt by the company to circumvent the restrictions and challenges faced in its own backyard? Or could it be an early sign that the online lodging rental platform business model is unsustainable in the long run? What should Chesky do to ensure the sustainability of Airbnb in the long run?


End-of-Case Questions


Question 1

What is the company selling? What is its value proposition? Using the business model canvas, evaluate Airbnb’s business model.


Question 2

What was/were Airbnb’s business growth strategy(ies) in the United States? Could the same business growth strategy(ies) be used internationally?


Question 3

Could an online lodging rental platform business be sustainable in the long run?


Question 4

Discuss the entrepreneurial qualities of Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia and Nathan Blecharczyk. Do you think they have the ability to drive Airbnb’s growth? Why?


Question 5

Would it be viable to develop a local version of Airbnb? If yes, why? If no, why?



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