BUS 112 Introduction to Business by using Microsoft PowerPoint

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Assignment Details:

  • Referencing Styles : MLA
  • Words: 1250
  • Course Code: BUS 112
  • Course Title: Introduction to Business
  • University: Saylor Academy
  • Country: US


What Goes on a Virtual Inspiration Board?

Anything you want! There are no rules with inspiration boards, other than everything on there has to inspire you in some way. It may be family, friends, co-workers, a quote, a song, a picture, a poem, a drawing, a stranger, a book, etc. If it inspires you, it can go on your board! Again, anything goes here—as long as your final display works for you and incorporates the 10 lessons from the book. Be Creative!


For this assignment, we will be using Microsoft PowerPoint to create our virtual inspiration board. This presentation should be at least 10 slides in order to incorporate the 10 lessons of the book as they relate to YOU! In addition to the 10-slide minimum, please include a title slide that includes your name and section/colour group, and works cited slide (MLA format) if applicable.


An assignment submission dropbox link has been created for this activity on Blackboard in the folder, “Make Your Bed” – Enrichment Reading Module located under the course Learning Modules. Refer to all due dates as posted on the weekly course schedule.