BSBPMG531 – Manage Project Time Assessment Task 3


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Task 3 – Implement and assess project time management

Task summary and instructions


What is this assessment task about? Task 3.1,3.2, and 3.3 build on Task 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.

Task 3.4 builds on Task 2.5


Please note that the performance evidence for this unit of competency requires you to demonstrate the ability to manage project time on at least two occasions. This assessment has been designed to meet that requirement.


This task comprises of the following assessment methods:

o   Product-based

o   Direct observation of Role-Play

o   Case Study

o   Other (specify)


It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:


·         Implement mechanisms to measure, record and report progress of activities according to agreed schedule

·         Conduct ongoing analysis to identify baseline variance

·         Analyse and forecast impact of changes to the schedule

·         Review progress throughout project life cycle and implement agreed schedule changes

·         Develop responses to potential or actual schedule changes and implement them to maintain project objectives

·         Review schedule performance records to determine effectiveness of time management activities

·         Identify and document time management issues and recommend improvements


You are required to address the following:

·      Task 3.1 Monitoring and control:

o   Develop an approach to monitor and control the project schedule

·      Task 3.2 Case Study – implement project schedule:

o   Address the impact of changes during project execution using schedule monitoring and control tools and techniques

·      Task 3.3 Lessons Learned:

o   Review and evaluate how the project schedule was managed in the project

·      Task 3.4 Case Study:

o   Review and evaluate how the project schedule was managed in the projet Case Study


Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.

What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? ·         submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,

·         complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,

·         use your own words and reference sources appropriately,

·         meet the word count where required,

·         use the scenario provided,

·         use the templates provided where required,

·         for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,

·         if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.

Specifications You must deliver/participate in:


·         Consult with the project team and the project sponsor when addressing tasks related to project schedule implementation in Task 3.2.

·         Consult with the project team when developing the lessons learner report in Task 3.3.


You must submit to GOALS


·         Project schedule’s monitoring and control approach in Task 3.1

·         Monitoring and control analysis in Task 3.2A

·         Schedule updates in Task 3.2B

·         Status Report in Task 3.2C

·         Change request form in Task 3.2D

·         Email to project steering committee in Task 3.2E

·         Evidence x 2 of implementation of changes in Task 3.2F

·         Lessons Learned report in Task 3.3

·         Lessons Learned report (Case Study) in Task 3.4

Resources and equipment •        Computer with Internet access

•        Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software

•        Learning material

•        Scenario for assessment as provided

•        Appendices as provided

•        Relevant policies and procedures as provided

•        Templates as provided


Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.




Complete the following activities:


Task 3.1 Monitoring and control


Develop an approach to monitoring and control the project schedule.



  • Monitoring tools and techniques
  • Change management process
  • A process to identify variance to the schedule baseline
  • Process for schedule updates
  • Reporting process
  • List of report/s in use
  • Authority to identify, evaluate and approve changes to the schedule
  • Roles and responsibilities for schedule monitoring and control


(100 -150 words)





Task 3.2 Implement project schedule


Assume that the following has happened when executing the project:


A 25% timeline

The project steering committee wants to source sustainable furniture solutions for the Sydney campus.

The budget is increased by 10% to cover the additional expenses. To implement this change, you will need to consider additional time to identify suitable sustainable solutions, source suppliers and request quotes from them.

B 50% timeline

Due to Covid 19, two project team members had to self-isolate for two weeks because they were closed contact of an infected person.

D 75% timeline

Changes in legislation require the company to apply for a new permit.

You cannot open the Sydney campus without this permit. It will take 30 days to prepare the application and 30 days for the application to be approved.


To address the tasks below, consult with the Project Sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor) and the project team in the simulated work environment as needed.

A.  Monitoring and control

For each scenario:

  • Outline what monitoring and control procedure/process was applied to identify the change/s in circumstances
  • Determine the impact of each scenario on project progress, focusing on the project schedule (baseline variance between actual and planned progress)
  • Determine what changes are needed to maintain the currency and accuracy of the schedule


Scenario Monitoring and control

(30-50 words/scenario)


(30-50 words/scenario)



B.  Schedule updates


Create an updated version of the Gantt Chart with three tabs:


  • 25% timeline
  • 50% timeline
  • 75% timeline


Update the schedule progressively from 25 % to 75% timeline by adjusting the schedule to reflect the changes due to the impact of each scenario. This means that you will keep your schedule current:


a.  Update the schedule at 25% based on the impact of scenario A

b.  Copy and paste the updated schedule from 25% timeline into the 50% worksheet timeline and update it based on the impact of scenario B

c.  Copy and paste the updated schedule from 50% timeline into the 75% timeline worksheet and update it based on the impact of scenario C


Submit the excel file with your assessment. Call the file: Schedule updates.


C.  Status Report


Complete a Status Reports (Template 1) for ascenario of choice (A, B or C).


Template 1 -Project Status Report


Project Name:


Project Status G:                   Y:                 R:

  Overall Timeline Budget Resources Scope Quality Risk





Status Report
Project Name

Prepared by:


Attention to:

Summary report

Use this section for summary information about the status of the project.


·          Deliverables

·          Schedule

·          Budget

·          Quality

·          Resources

(100-150 words)




Complete the filing record below so that the project documentation can be saved in the project management record system

Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager:


File Name:




D.  Change Request


Complete a Change Request Form (Template 2) for the scenario chosen in Task 3.2C.


Template 2 -Change Request Form


Change Request – Project
Issued by
Change/s Requested
Reason for change/s  


Impact on the project  


Change authorised: Yes/No

Project Manager





Date Date Date Date

Complete the filing record below so that the project documentation can be saved in the project management record system.

Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name:



E.  Email

Write an email (Template 3) to the project steering committee to inform them of the project’s status as per the status report completed in Task 3.2C.


  • Summarise the content of the project status report and attach the report to the email.
  • Inform the committee about the changes needed to keep the project on track (Task 3.2A and Task 3.2D).


The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.


(80-120 words)

Template 3 -Email


Email to the Project Steering Committee
Date email is sent:




F.  Implementing changes

Provide two sample pieces of evidence of the implementation of response to potential or actual changes caused by scenarios A, B or C.


Example: evidence of researching sustainable furniture solutions or asking a quote for them (screenshots); email to the team advising them about the absence of two team members for two weeks; email to the steering committee asking for documentation needed to apply for the permit (for instance, financial statements for the past two years).


Document the evidence in the space provided below:


Evidence 1:



Evidence 2:




Task 3.3 Lessons Learned


Consider the work performed in Task 2 and Task 3.2. Consult with the project team to gather inputs and feedback in the development of a lessons learned report.


Additionally, consider the following feedback received from project stakeholders:


  • The use of a project scheduling app is recommended for future projects.
  • Overall, issues with the project schedule were timely addressed.
  • The team members lacked initiative, which caused delays in monitoring and control activities.


Review the project performance to determine the effectiveness of time management.


Complete a lessons learned report (Template 4).


Template 4 -Lessons Learned


Lessons Learned Report
Name of project:
A brief summary of how the project schedule was managed, to include issues and how they were addressed.
Worked well

List 2-3 items

Could have gone better

List 2-3 items

Lessons learned and suggested improvements (50-100 words):

Complete the filing record below so that the project documentation can be saved in the project management record system.

Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name:



Task 3.4 Case Study


Refer to the Case Study you worked on in Task 2.5.


Assume that the following occurred:


  • The PowerPoint presentation was not proofread because the marketing officer in charge of that task did not have the time to do it.
  • Conflicts about shared resources for the project occurred between the project team and the marketing team.
  • The presentation lasted 1.5 hours; many attendees left the virtual meeting after 1 hour as per the advertised schedule.
  • Several changes to the presentation’s content were made; however, time for such changes was not considered when developing the schedule.
  • The use of Asana to manage the project schedule was successful.
  • The booking system worked very well, and all RSVPs were collected by the deadline.
  • The project team developed some excellent troubleshooting resources for the marketing team to use when working on the project.


Evaluate the effectiveness of project time management and complete a lessons learned report (Template 4).


Template 4 -Lessons Learned


Lessons Learned Report
Name of project:
A brief summary of how the project schedule was managed.. 
Worked well

List 2-3 items

Could have gone better

List 2-3 items

Lessons learned and suggested improvements (50-100 words)

Complete the filing record below so that the project documentation can be saved in the project management record system.

Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name:




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