BSBMGT615 Contribute to Organisation Development – Assessment 1
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Assessment Details:-
- Topic: Contribute to Organisation Development
- Code: BSBMGT615
- Words: 4000
Question Task:-
- Explain how effective change management strategies can assist with support for organisational development. Give an example of an effective change management strategy in your answer
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Explain the importance of a participative management style when implementing organisation development.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Explain the importance of evaluating organisation development and outline at least two evaluation methods.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Explain three methods for generating ideas and options that can contribute to the process of organisation development.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Explain how conflict can be a positive force in organisation development.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Explain a method that can be used to manage conflict and resolve problems during an organisation development process.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Outline Kahn’s engagement theory and its relevance to planning and implementing organisation development.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Outline the expectancy theory and its relevance to planning and implementing organisation development
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Outline reinforcement theory, including its implications for organisational development.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Outline the McKinsey 7-S Framework and its practical application in the workplace in regard to change.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Explain why the Fair Work Act must be taken into account during organisational development and change.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- Explain the importance of abiding by anti-discrimination during an organisation development process.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
- List at least two aspects of organisational culture that can impact on organisation development.
Explain how to address them in planning and implementing an organisation development plan.
Your Source: Assessor to deem the above response as either S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory)
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