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Assignment Details:

  • Course Code: BSBLDR812
  • Course Title: Develop and Cultivate Collaborative Partnerships and Relationships
  • University: York business institute
  • Country: AU


Explain the legislative and regulatory requirements to establish a partnership agreement 1.2. What are the legislative and regulatory requirements for registering a partnership business? Scenario: You are working on a project. As per the project task requirements, you must integrate a risk management plan into your project. Q: Explain the seven (7) risk management principles that you would consider when integrating a risk management plan in your project. Explain the purpose of an organization’s mission, vision and value statements. . 3.2. How do the mission, vision and values guide the strategic direction and objectives of the organization? 3.3. What is the purpose of an organizational purpose statement? Why is it important? Write your s.3.4. Why is it essential to align your and partner organization’s mission, purpose, values, objectives and strategies?



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