BSBLDR523 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Assessment Answers


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Assignment Details:-

  • Number of Words: 4000
  • Topic: Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
  • Subject: Management


BSBLDR523 Lead and Manage Effective


BSBLDR523 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Assessment 


Section 1: Establish effective workplace relationship processes


  1. Describe the organisation you are basing this assessment
    1. Provide an overview of the organisation and product/services/programs.
    2. What are the values and goals of the organisation?
    3. Describe your job
    4. Explain how your job role takes responsibility for formulating, organizing and implementing plans, processes and strategies.
    5. Explain how your job role applies the values and goals of your organisation.


  1. Summarise the legislative requirements relevant to managing and leading workplace relationships.
    1. Summarise any legislation relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.
    2. Summarise any regulations relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.
    3. Summarise any codes relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.
    4. Summarise any standards relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.


  1. Identify organisational requirements relevant to managing and leading workplace relationships.
    1. Summarise policies and procedures that address diversity.
    2. Summarise the policies and procedures that address ethical conduct.
    3. Summarise the policies and procedures that address conflict management.
    4. Identify and describe the required processes for workplace collaboration from relevant policies and procedures.
    5. Summarise any other relevant workplace documentation and resources available for workplace relationships (e.g. communications policy and procedure, performance review policy and procedure).
    6. Attach the policies and procedures to this section of your portfolio as proof.


  1. Use the legislative and organisational requirements you’ve identified to develop processes that support workplace relationships.



1. consultation processes for employees to contribute to issues that relate to their work role.

2. conflict management processes.

3. processes for escalated issues (e.g. a hierarchy of responsibility to refer to relevant personnel).

4. Attach the processes to this section of your portfolio.


Section 2: Manage effective workplace relationships


1. Identify the workplace relationships you will manage and lead by completing the table below.


Identify… Staff members Additional information
…staff members to whom you will delegate work tasks to (at least two): At least one staff member has a diverse background.
…staff members who will participate in consultations regarding
work relationship issues (at least two):
…staff members who will participate in conflict management relating to workplace relationships (at least two):


2. Delegate and confirm responsibility for fulfilling work tasks to at least two staff members (identified in the previous question).


    1. Complete the table to plan work delegation.
    2. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two delegations and confirmations to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of face-to-face meeting with follow up email, completed workplan and screen shot of folder system showing cloud- based location where it is stored etc.)


Occasion 1 Occasion 2
To who will you delegate work to?
What work/responsibilities will you delegate and confirm for each identified staff member?
How will you delegate the work tasks and confirm the responsibilities (twice, on separate occasions)?
How will you adapt your communication style to build trust and ensure positive working relationships?


3. Support the two staff members to achieve their work responsibilities (delegated in the previous question).


    1. Complete the table to plan your support.
    2. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two separate support efforts to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of informal discussion, checklist of duties, photo of project schedule on notice board ).


Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you support each team member?
How does your support follow the policies and procedures related to diversity?
What information should be conveyed as you support the team member?


4. Seek employee input to identify work relationship issues.


  1. Complete the table to plan your consultation/collaboration.
  2. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two separate collaboration/consultations to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of informal discussion, photo of suggestion box and completed suggestion slips etc.)


Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you facilitate consultation and collaboration on two separate occasions (e.g. host a team brainstorming session, set up a suggestion box, meet with individual staff member for coffee and chat)?
How does your facilitation follow the collaboration and consultation processes established in Section 1?


5. Complete the table to summarise the outcomes of your collaboration/consultation:


Occasion 1 Occasion 2
What workplace relationship issues were identified (at least two)?
How does the issue involve ethical conduct? (at least one issue should include ethical conduct)?


6. Address the identified workplace relationship issues.


    1. Complete the table to plan your conflict/dispute resolution to provide feedback on the consultation processes and address the relationship issues.
    2. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of feedback on two separate occasions to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of team meeting, email etc.)
    3. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your efforts to address the issues to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of mediation, email to remind staff of ethical conduct requirements etc.)
    4. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of how you provided guidance, counselling and support on two separate occasions.


Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you provide feedback to the relevant staff members on the outcomes of the consultation (e.g. staff newsletter, email, as part of a team meeting etc.)?
How will you address the workplace relationship issue? (e.g. act as a mediator between two individuals, provide training on appropriate language at work etc.)?


Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you provide guidance, counselling and support to assist the staff members overcome their relationship difficulties?

(Make sure you demonstrate your ability to motivate and engage others)

How does your conflict management follow the conflict management and escalation processes established in Section 1?


Section 3: Monitor and review management of workplace relationships


1. Monitor the outcomes of your efforts to resolve workplace relationship issues in Section 2.


    1. Complete the table to plan and summarise the outcomes of your monitoring efforts.
    2. Unless viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of how you monitored the outcomes of the conflict management to this section of your portfolio.


Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you monitor the outcomes for each occasion (e.g.

follow-up discussion, survey, observation etc.)?

Summarise the outcomes of monitoring efforts.


2. Communicate the outcomes of the conflict management for both identified workplace relationship issues to the relevant staff members (e.g. email, informal discussion etc.)


    1. Complete the table to plan your communication.
    2. Unless viewed in person by your assessor or it forms part of a previous step, attach proof of your communication of outcomes to this section of your portfolio.


Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you communicate the outcomes?


3. Seek feedback from relevant staff members (at least two) on how you have managed the workplace relationships.


    1. Complete the table to plan and summarise feedback.
    2. Unless viewed in person by your assessor or it forms part of a previous step, attach proof of how you sought feedback to this section of your portfolio.


Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you seek feedback?
Evaluate the feedback:

·           What did you do well?

·           How can you improve your leadership style?

Identify at least one area for improving future workplace relations leadership in your organisation.


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