BSBLDR511 – Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence Assessment 3 – Observation and Project


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Part A: Plan a team development workshop

1).  Develop a plan for a team workshop. The goal of this workshop is to promote the development of emotional intelligence within the team, and encourage them to use emotional intelligence to:

a).  Enhance team performance to achieve organisational objectives and goals.

b). Understand the effect of behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace and develop a greater degree of self-management.

c).  create a positive, inclusive emotional climate in the workplace.


2).  Complete the training planner template located in Appendix 1.

1). Review and incorporate all applicable workplace documentation, including:

  • Workplace targets
  • Individual development plans
  • Relevant organisational policies and procedures

b). When planning your workshop, allow sufficient time for your team members to ask questions, discuss thoughts and practice using new skills.


3).  Research the topics that you wish to cover during the workshop. Topics could include:


a).  Identifying the impact of your behaviour on others.

b).  Self-management of emotions.

c).  Using emotional intelligence to maximise team outcomes.

d).  Identifying different cultural expressions of emotions.


4).  Submit your plan to your assessor for review prior to conducting the workshop.


5).  Before the workshop:


a). Draft and distribute a communication about the workshop to your team. This will provide them with an overview of what to expect and help manage any emotions your team members might be feeling about participating in the workshop. Retain a copy of your communication to submit as part of your assessment. Include in your communication:

  • why the workshop is being conducted
  • who will deliver the workshop
  • what participants must complete before the workshop
  • what participants will learn
  • what the intended outcomes are
  • how it will help participants improve their workplace relationships and performance.


b).  Ask participants to identify and make notes on what they feel are their emotional intelligence strengths, weaknesses and areas for opportunity and bring their responses to the workshop.

c).  Ask participants to complete the online GEIT test located at:

Emotional Intelligence Test, Global Leadership Foundation,


6).  Think about how you will behave in the workshop. During the workshop, you will be observed by the assessor, so think carefully about the following.

a).  Maintain awareness of your own behaviours throughout the workshop. This will help you to build trust with your team members and foster positive working relationships.

b).  Model emotionally intelligent behaviours by demonstrating emotional management and keeping control of your emotions.

c).  Consider how your behaviours might impact on your team during the workshop and be prepared to be flexible enough to modify your behaviours to achieve the best outcomes.


Part B: Conduct workshop


1).  Conduct the workshop with your team, making sure you fulfill the evidence requirements below.Your assessor will organise for volunteers to play the roles of team members.


a).  Commence by being mindful of verbal and non-verbal cues. Introduce the session positively by establishing why the workshop is occurring. Ask your team for input and their thoughts on what they hope to take away from it.

b).  Advise your team members you will be making notes throughout the workshop to help you further develop the workshop outcomes. Use the Student Workshop Record located in Appendix 3.2 to record this.

c).  Provide a brief overview of the principles of emotional intelligence and strategies including self-control and self-management. Link the theory to your goal for the workshop:


The goal of this workshop is to promote the development of emotional intelligence within the team, and encourage them to use emotional intelligence to:

  • enhance team performance to achieve organisational objectives and goals
  • understand the effect of behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace and develop a greater degree of self- management
  • create a positive, inclusive emotional climate in the

d).  Work with the group to establish guidelines for the workshop. For example, it is a confidential environment and what is discussed in the workshop stays in the team.

e).  Ask team members to describe:

  • The team’s recent performance, and obstacles to their performance.
  • How their recent performance is making them feel, along with their level of job satisfaction.
  • The effects their current emotions and behaviours could be having on the team outcomes.

Take notes of responses using the student workshop record located in Appendix 3.5.


f).  Demonstrate listening and questioning skills to clarify understanding of your team’s thoughts and feelings.

g).  Initiate a discussion with the team on their strengths, weaknesses and areas for development. Include their findings from the GEIT test if it was completed.


  • Encourage the team to be open, and help them explore common areas; this will encourage a more positive, inclusive climate.
  • Note that some team members may not wish to discuss their results with the whole team; responses to this discussion might require you to modify your approach based on observed emotional cues.
  • Reinforce how participants can use their strengths both individually and as a team to achieve objectives.
  • Discuss ways participants can work on their identified development opportunities. These might include, for example: creating a more positive and inclusive team climate; or understanding the impact their behaviour can have on others.


h).  Ask participants to develop and document a plan to develop the areas of improvement they have identified.

I).  Provide a    copy    of   the    team’s    plan    as    part    of    your   assessment documentation.

j).  Discuss how different cultures express emotions and how these can be identified and responded to appropriately.


    • ask the participants to discuss how this applies to their own team.
    • ask them to review their plan from above and incorporate any additional ways they can identify and respond more effectively to cultural expressions of emotions.

k).  Ask each member of your team to commit to implementing the plan they have developed to improve performance and help build a better climate.


7).  Identify and address any difficulties during the session and provide feedback to team members throughout.

8).  Have each team member provide feedback to you by completing Appendix 3.3: Evaluation form – Participant. Collect this feedback and use it for Part D.


Part C: Provide feedback and monitor progress


Monitor the progress and performance of your team.


a).  On 3 separate occasions,you are to observe your team members completing a challenging task as a team in the workplace environment and provide support if required.

b).  The first observation should be shortly after the workshop. This will establish a baseline against which you can compare ongoing performance.

c).  Record your observations using the monitoring worksheet, located in Appendix 4.

d).  Provide feedback and suggestions for further improvement to the team during your observations.


Part D: Self-reflection


Complete the self-reflection form (Appendix 3.5). You should reflect on the following:


  1. how conducting the workshop helped you to improve your own emotional intelligence.
  2. if the workshop met the goals you developed in your training workshop planner. (Did the workshop encourage others to develop their own emotional intelligence, to build productive relationships, and to maximise workplace outcomes?)
  3. what you would do differently if you ran the workshop again.


Complete the assessment evidence requirements and submit within the timeframe agreed with your assessor.


Assessment Task 2 appendices


Appendix    2.1: Australian    Hardware    simulated business


Australian Hardware is a large and expanding hardware and homewares retailer with approximately 140 stores located across Australia. In its vision statement, Australian Hardware states that it intends to ‘lead the hardware and home-improvement market in Australia within 5 years’.


In order to realise this vision, the organisation intends to:


  • build market share by focusing on the customer experience.
  • control direct and indirect costs through efficient internal processes.
  • establish the reputation of Australian Hardware as a socially and environmentally responsible company.
  • lead by example in embracing cultural diversity in the workforce.


These strategic organisation-wide directions are implemented from senior management down, in the form of performance expectations for managers and employees at every level of the organisation.


Australian Hardware realises that the success of the business will come from its people. For this reason, the organisation insists that managers build effective teams by responding to the needs of employees. Such needs include safety and security,  fairness, flexibility, skills development and self-actualisation. Satisfying such needs will allow employees to focus more effectively on work tasks and customer needs. In addition, Australian Hardware encourages managers to take a flexible approach to meeting performance targets and to set goals in close collaboration with employees.


To implement strategic directions and advance Australian Hardware’s values, managers are expected to lead employees by modelling positive behaviours and attributes. This mindful approach to leadership and management is intended to encourage employees to follow the example in their interactions with colleagues and customers. To lead and inspire people, managers must demonstrate keen emotional awareness and promote positive team-building behaviours in others.


You are the new General Operations Manager of the Wollongong NSW store and you are ready for a challenge. You are directly responsible for managing general sales and checkout staff, administration staff and a human resources officer. You report to the Store Manager, who is accountable for all areas of store responsibility (Timber, Plumbing & Electrical, Gardens and Homewares departments and general operations).


For more background to this assessment task, Australian Hardware simulated business information, including business and operational plans, financial information, and policies and procedures, can be located online at:


Part B: Answer the following questions by providing a brief written response.
1. Describe how the workshop helped you to identify areas where you can build better relationships within the team to assist in achieving organisational goals and objectives.


Every workshop is very useful and this time it helps me to improve my coordination with other team members. It introduces everyone with each other. It give me idea and other people think about me and I also try to understand them and know them.

2. Describe how the workshop helped you to understand the effect of behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace.

The workshop helped me in awareness and now I better understand the surrounding around me and also I am able to understand and know the effect of my behavior on other team members.

3. What action can you take from the workshop to improve your self-control and self-management whilst at work?

I will try to control over my emotions like stress and aggressiveness through meditation so that I can control my emotions

4. What action can you take from the workshop to create a more positive and inclusive emotional climate in the workplace?

In future I will try cooperate and communicate with my team members and also try to understand them better.

5. Describe your key learnings from the workshop, how you will use them in the workplace and what you hope they will achieve.

have learned what others think about me. It will help me in better understanding of my coworkers resulting in better coordination.


The workshop is useful and give me good ideas.



Appendix 3.5: Self-reflection form


Use the following questions to reflect on your own performance planning for and conducting the workshop.


You were expected to set the tone for behaviour in the workshop. Did you model emotionally intelligent behaviours throughout the workshop?

How did you do that?

Every workshop is helpful in different ways as I also got control on my behavior by the workshop.

It helps me to stay strong and positive in every situation.

Complete the targets with full of confidence. For example: As I worked with one organization there was staff meeting every month which always brings some feedback for us and let us know about our mistakes from there I start learning from my mistakes.

What could you have done better?

I could have been more careful about my actions and think twice before doing anything during the workshop.

Were you aware of the impact of your behaviours throughout the workshop? Do you feel this helped you to build trust and positive working relationships?

Of course, I am aware of the impact of my behavior throughout the workshop. which helps me to create new bond with other team members and help me to make trustworthy friends.

Did you model emotional management and being in control of your emotions?

For sure I dis, model emotional management and being in control of my own emotions by the fully support of the team and higher authorities which helps me through the workshop.


Were there times when you found this challenging? If so, please describe this.

Yes, I faced that challenging when I was new in my profession. Initially, I was little scared and shy to share my ideas. but with the pace of time I overcome from this challenge.

Were there times where you needed to modify your behaviours to achieve the best outcomes? If so, please describe this.

Yes, I do modify my behavior through improve my English with the time as English is my second language. Which implement more confidence within myself and after that I feel more confident to serve the customers.


What could you have done better?

I implement positive attitude within me and towards team and customers. Which reshape my behavior and re wardered me.

You were expected to provide opportunities for your team to express thoughts and feelings. How did you do this?

By proving them examples with the effect and tell them to experiment first by own and realize about the result. For example: My manager always write for us in the communication book and tell us to try first.



What could you have done better?

Once, my territory was on site and my manager told me to sell as many things I can within an hour so I did so.

You were expected to assist your team to understand the effect of their behaviour and emotions on others. How did you do this?


What could you have done better?

You were expected to encourage the team to self-manage emotions. How did you do this?


What could you have done better?

You were expected to encourage the team to develop emotional intelligence and build productive relationships. How did you do this?


What could you have done better?

You were expected to encourage a positive emotional climate in the workplace. How did you do this?


What could you have done better?

You were expected to use the team’s strengths to get both their own and the team’s performance back on track. How did you do this?


What could you have done better?

What would you do differently if you were to run the workshop again?


Identify and list feedback from the participants that supports your reflections.


What have you observed during your observations in the workplace that support your reflections?


How successful do you feel you were in achieving your workshop goals based on the monitoring you conducted after the workshop?




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