BMP3002 Business in Practice Research Project


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Assessment Brief:

  • Topic: Research Project
  • Document Type: Assignment help (any type)
  • Subject: Business
  • Number of Words: 3500


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Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1: Differentiate between different types of companies and their legal entities

LO2: Describe different internal and external factors which impact on businesses


Assessment Brief:


You have been employed as an assistant business analyst by a large multinational organisation to investigate different types and sizes of business they will have to compete with. They also would like to know how internal and external factors impact businesses. You were asked to write and submit 2,000words Management Report to the CEO and your report should include the following:


Section 1: You are to show an understanding of the different types of companies and how they work.


Your response should cover the following:


  • Definition, characteristics and example of micro business, small business, medium size business and large size business.


Section 2: You are required to explain different companies from sole traders to cooperatives and Limited Liability Partnerships.


Make sure, your response includes the following:


  • Definition, characteristics and example of sole trader business, partnership, limited liability business, public limited liability business and Cooperative.


Section 3: To consider different business structures and how external factors affect businesses.


In this section of the report, you are required to:


  • Identify different organisational structures and explain how organisational structure affects business productivity.


  • Using PESTLE analysis explain how different external factors affect the performance of a business.


You should present your report professionally using Ariel 12 pt font size and include the following sections: –


  • Cover page
  • Contents index
  • Introduction
  • Main Body
  • Conclusion
  • Reference list


Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:

Level FE3/HE3 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain at least five sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three academic books.


For general guidance on writing assignment and submission please refer to section 12. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Written Assessments on the module guide.


Specific Assessment Criteria:

Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will apply. Please see matrix below for HE3:



BMP3002 Business in Practice Sample (Type of Companies)








BMP3002 Business in Practice Sample (Type of Companies)










1) Research title ……………………. Front-page (with all details)

2) Table of content


i) Attach the res prop form …… (Copy and paste)

ii) Ethics Form


3) Introduction

4) Background of the study

5) Res Aim

6) Research objective 3 to 4

7) Res questions 3 to 4

8) Limitation of the study

9) Scope of the study

10) Literature has to be as below in 3 parts a sample attached.


PART 1: Theories On Talent Mgt (From E-Books, Google, Textbooks) 200 Words

      Write Some Importance Of Tm, Why Tm Is So Popular.


          ………………………………………………………………….. (IN-TEXT REF) (AUTHOR, YR)

PART 2: Articles Reviews: 6 To 7 Articles

ARTICLE 1: Title………………………… (Author Name)(Yr) 20 Lines Each Article


Each Article=3 Paragraph

1 Para (Res Aim, Objv, Background of the Res Article)

2 Para (Res Methodology (How It Was Done), Analyses

3 Para (Findings and How That Article Is Useful To You, and How /What the Author Could Have Done Better)


After Completing Commenting About All 6 Or 7 Articles, Then Do Lit Gap


PART 3: Literature Gap: 8 Lines


How The Above 7 Articles Are Useful To Your Study and How Are They Different To Your Topic


11) Research time frame (Gantt chart picture and explain)


12) Research Methodology


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: (LO2) 600 words in res proposal

  1. Learn And Discuss About The Methods Of Doing The Res…
  2. Help To Find Answers For Aim, Obj, And Res Qu…
  3. It Tells How Do Conduct Ur Res….
  4. InLo1 You Will Spk about an Idea of Ur Res Plan in Methods of the Next Term


RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY: Theory on Res. (6 Lines)

Research Theory (Positivism, Realism, Interpretive)

POSITIVE: +Ve, Hoping Positive.

REALISM: Real Truth

INTERPRETATION: Understanding/Writing with the Concepts

RESEARCH APPROACH: Deductive, Inductive Approach (4 Lines)

DEDUCTIVE: Deductive research approach explores a known theory or phenomenon and tests if that theory is valid in given circumstances, Deductive reasoning, also deductive logic, is the process of reasoning from one or more statements to reach a logical conclusion.

INDUCTIVE: involves the search for pattern from observation and the development of explanations – theories – for those patterns through series of hypotheses.(by your findings)

Data Collection (Primary and Secondary Data) (4 Lines)

PRIMARY: Questionnaire, Interviews (4 Lines)

The researcher has to mention here the idea of doing primary data study (how, where), or your planning or planning for an interview (how, who are the participants)

SECONDARY: Articles, Publications, Books…. (4 Lines)

How this will be plan, what resources (materials)

SAMPLE SIZE: How Many Is Your Sample (<20)? Who Is Your Sample? Sample Profile? (2 lines)

QUANTITATIVE DATA: Questionnaire Design (Designed the Questionnaire) (3 Lines

QUALITATIVE DATA: Interviews, Case Studies, Forum Group….. (3 Lines)


13) Ethical issues




You Are Actually Doing Res Methodology (Questionnaire, Interviews) and Analyses Only In the Next Term,

You Have To Mention Ur Analyses Plan in Proposal, but You Will Be It Actually In the Next Term

In Res Proposal, About 8 Lines, You Have To Mention What Is Ur Plan In The Next Term?

Tables, Charts, Interpretation, Graphs…… (Pie, Bar, Line)


15) Findings and Recommendations (Lo4) 6 Lines


After Completing My Res Analyses In The Next Term, Findings Will Be Shown With Recommendations And Conclusions. These Findings Will Be Shown In Detail For Each Analysis In The Next Term.


Reference List in Detail for Your Lo1 (Alphabetically)

Surname First Name, Edition, Article or Book Name, Publication, Place of Publications





VIDEOS LINK…………………………..


16) Bibliography list




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