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Organizational Behavior And Management Important Question Answer Assignment




Referencing Styles: APA  

Course Code: AMOB600

Course Title: Organisational Behaviour



1. Identify which organisation (either the case or your own experience) you are basing your assignment on. If you are using your own experience, explain the scenario (no more than 200 words of the scenario). There are no marks for this question, but your assignment cannot be marked without an answer.


2. Critically evaluate how the situation would affect the following for the organisation:

(a) Employee motivation

(b) Employee wellbeing

(c) Subordinate-manager relationships

(d) Organisational communication

(e) Organisational structure and reporting lines


3. Critically analyse how the following factors would affect employee and/or the organisations’ reaction to this situation.

(a) Personal circumstances of employees

(b) Workplace culture

(c) Organisational leadership

(d) Organisation communication

(e) Different sources of power


4. Critically analyse how the organisation can best make decisions, implement changes and go through a restructuring process by recommending and justifying four (4) courses of action for the organisations’ management.




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