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Assignment Details:

  • Referencing Styles: IEEE
  • Words: 4750
  • Course Code: ACCB4002
  • Course Title: Data analysis and visualisation
  • University: University of Wales Trinity Saint David
  • Country: GB


In the main body of your submission, you must give credit to authors on whose research your work is based. Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc. that you have read or quoted in order to complete this assignment (e.g. for books: the surname of author and initials, year of publication, the title of the book, edition, publisher: a place of publication).


Module Learning Outcomes:

  1. Select and apply appropriate statistical methods for the analysis of well-defined problems
  2. Demonstrate an ability to present nominal, ordinal, categorical and network data in forms that enable an easy understanding of the data
  3. Demonstrate an ability to rearrange data in order to extract hidden information
  4. Apply colour, position, size, shape and icons to encode information creatively and effectively to solve well-defined problems in information visualisation


Task 1: 50% of the total mark

Consider the “Where is Coronavirus Rising & Falling?” infographic available on moodle. Write a short (about 1000 word) discussion of how this is a means for presenting the information it contains. You should include any particular good features of the poster, any opportunities you have identified on the infographic, any problems that you have identified, and your ideas for improving the design by redesigning the infographic (if necessary).


Task 2: 50% of the total mark

The data in the file “DV Assignment Dataset 2017-2018.xlsx” (available on moodle) comes from the Monthly Accident & Emergency Report published by NHS Wales Informatics Service: “Time Spent in NHS Wales Accident and Emergency Departments: Monthly Management Information” (original data available online at


The data shows the number of patients treated each month during the three months from March 2017 to May 2017 at hospitals within each health board. It also gives the number and percentage of those patients who were treated within 4, 8, and 12 hours.


Based upon this data, create an A3 colour poster that allows viewers to easily answer the following questions:

  1. How has the total number of patients seen in each area varied over the period?
  2. How have the proportions of patients treated within 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours and over 12 hours varied in Wales over the period?
  3. Do smaller health boards have better treatment times?
  4. Assuming that they have an injury that could be treated at any hospital, in which health board area are they most likely to have to wait over 12 hours?
  5. Assuming that they have an injury that could be treated at any hospital, in which health board area are they most likely to have to wait less than 4 hours?


Task 1 You may find it helpful to print out the graphic in colour on A3 paper and look at it at arm’s length.

Your discussion should consider the following aspects of visualisation design:

  • What message is the poster trying to provide?
  • Colour — Can you see everything? Do the colours fit the subject?
  • Text — Can you read everything? Are there too many fonts or styles of text? Is the text too large or too small?
  • Graphs — Are the graphs easy to read? Are they of a suitable type for the data that they’re being used to display?
  • Graphics — Are there graphics that don’t provide information? If so, are they harmless or do they actively prevent you from seeing information that is being presented? Is the overall design good or bad? Does it raise any ethical issues?
  • Cognition — Does it put any unnecessary demands on the viewer in terms of memory load, perception or mental modelling?
  • Improvements — How would you improve the infographic? Remember to explain how this would solve any problems previously identified.

You may include a rough sketch of any redesigned areas of the graphic if you wish.


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