114761 International HRM Strategies and Practice Assignment Answers
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Assignment Details:-
- Course Code: 114761
- Course Title: International HRM
- Referencing Styles: APA
- Words: 9999+
- University: Massey University
- Country: NZ
Essay Question:
What are the main activities of IHRM and what difficulties might they experience in delivering effective strategies and practice?
While the second essay question assumes an understanding of all course content, the focus should be on the actions of the IHRM function are examined.
Markers look for professionally presented work displaying a thorough understanding of the topic, a strong argument supported by evidence (appropriately referenced), and an ability to evaluate material. High-quality essays demonstrate a careful and logical argument showing a close understanding of the subject area. You need to show evidence of a thorough exploration of the topic; understanding of major themes; a focus on key issues (avoiding irrelevant or peripheral material); critical evaluation of material used; and conclusions which follow logically from the analysis. Assessment will primarily be based on substantive content, but the clarity of presentation is also important. This includes correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
It also cannot be over-emphasised that you need to demonstrate understanding and application of sufficiently extensive reading. You must pay particular attention to your use of supporting evidence. Do not make unsubstantiated assertions and avoid generalisations. Ensure that all sources are correctly cited and carefully acknowledged and appear in a ‘References’ section at the end of the essay.
Using a sufficient number of articles will be necessary to achieve a good mark in the essays. Many important and useful journal references are provided for you on Stream but you can also build your essay by doing your own research, including using citation links, keyword searches of the library databases or browsing recent issues of relevant journals such as the Human Resource Management Journal or International Journal of HRM.
Learning Outcome/s Being Assessed
LO2. Analyse how HR strategies and policies are developed and implemented in multinational enterprises;
LO3. Develop a deeper understanding of how (1) and (2) inform the practice of IHRM in core areas such as pay, career management, knowledge transfer and corporate ethics and social responsibility.
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