Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 HND in Business Management Assignment Answer


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Understanding and Leading Change

Unit code A/508/0529

Unit level 5

Credit value 15

TQT 150



The aim of this unit is to prepare students to anticipate, plan and deliver organisational change. In addition students will be able to predetermine appropriate and timely interventions required to maximise the benefits and minimise the risk of organisational change.


Unit abstract

On successful completion of this unit students will have developed sufficient knowledge and understanding of leadership in the context of organisational change to make an effective and immediate contribution to the way in which an organisation determines and responds to change drivers. Students will also be in a strong position to contribute to change initiatives as well as to consider the strategies required to change resistors.


Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

  1. Compare ways in which change impacts on an organisation’s strategy and operations
  2. Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on organisational behaviour.
  3. Determine how barriers to change influence leadership decision-making.
  4. Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative.

Unit content

LO1 Compare ways in which change impacts on an organisation’s strategy and operations

Change as a constant requirement:

What is change in a business context?

How does position and perception influence a view of change as negative or positive?


Types of organisational change:

To include structural and strategic, and people and processes


Drivers of change:

Consideration of internal and external drivers which could be based on a PEST and/or SWOT analysis


Dealing with change:

To include planned and emergent change, strategies for change and the Bohner and Arnold Change Impact Analysis


LO2 Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on organisation behaviour


Change and the impact on organisational behaviour:

Considering the psychological impact of change on people

How change impacts on team dynamics and how people are led and managed.


Recognising drivers of change:

Using analytical tools such as PEST and SWOT

Selecting the most significant drivers in a given context


Responding to drivers of change:

Using systems theory and continuous improvement models to predict and proactively plan for change

Using the Burke-Litwen model to make the change process efficient and effective


LO3 Determine how barriers to change influence leadership decision making


Initiated or imposed change:

Deciding to be pre-emptive and proactive or responsive and reactive will be based on the situation and the nature/scope of the change.

Adaptive and constructive change


Barriers and resistance to change:

Using a force field analysis to understand likely opposition and support for change in a contemporary context

Schein’s organisational culture model, self-efficacy perceptions and situational resistance when determining barriers


Leadership and decision-making:

Doing the right thing is important when dealing with change as change mostly affects people. Decisions should be considered with this in mind.


LO4 Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative


Situational leadership:

The context of a task/activity/challenge determines the appropriate leadership style/approach.


Initiating change:

Where change is initiated then leaders have more control, more time and, therefore, more opportunity to select the best approach to apply.

When change is imposed then these opportunities are reduced or even negated.


Change theories, concepts and models:

The key theories, concepts and models, including Kotter’s 8-step Change model, Lewin’s change management model, change through strategic communication, change and movement through leadership, the principles of change leadership.


Learning outcomes and assessment criteria


LO1 Compare ways in which change impacts on an organisation’s strategy and operations  

LO1 & 2

P1 Compare different organisational examples where there has been an impact of change on an organisation’s strategy and operations.


M1 Assess the different drivers for change in each of the given examples and the types of organisational change they have


D1 Draw conclusions and

recommendations with valid justifications for planning effectively for change and applying change impact analysis.

LO2 Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on organisational behaviour
P2 Evaluate the ways in

which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviours within an organisation.


P3 Evaluate measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of change on organisational behaviour

M2 Apply appropriate theories and models to critically evaluate

organisational response to change.

LO3 Determine how barriers to change influence leadership decision-making
P4 Explain different barriers for change and determine how they

influence leadership decision-making in a given organisational


M3 Use force field analysis to analyse the driving and resisting

forces and show how they

influence decision-making

D2 Critically evaluate the use of force field analysis in the context of meeting organisational objectives.
LO4 Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative.  



P5 Apply different leadership approaches to dealing with change in a range of organisational contexts


M4 Evaluate the extent to which leadership approaches can deliver

organisational change effectively applying appropriate models and


D3 Critically evaluate the

effectiveness of leadership

approaches and models of

change management




This unit links to the following related units:

Unit 4: Management and Operations

Unit 12: Organisational Behaviour

Unit 20: Employee Relations

Unit 21: Strategic Human Resource Management

Unit 35: Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

Unit 36: Human Resources – Value and Contribution to Organisational Success


Location on Higher Education Learning Platform (HELP) and The LMS

These units are accessible when you login to your college HELP account, under the HND Business section.


Scheme of Work

Teaching Weeks

(Please follow reading week/tutorial week/Christmas and Easter break of the cohort)

Specification Area & Delivery Plan Learning outcomes Method of Assessment Resources & Equipment


Teacher update/Skills Development
         1. 1. Introduction to unit.

Topic: Change and organisational change

What is change in a business context?

How does position and perception influence a view of change as negative or positive?


Types of organisational change: To include structural and strategic, and people and processes


LO1. Compare ways in which change impacts on an organisation’s strategy and operations


P1 Compare different organisational examples where there has been an impact of change on an organisation’s strategy and operations.


M1 Assess the different drivers for change in each of the given examples and the types of organisational change they have


D1 Draw conclusions and

recommendations with valid justifications for planning effectively for change and applying change impact analysis (LO1 & LO2)

·         Class discussion

Students identify an article or research paper related to  change in the business context and organisational change present a summary of thearticle/paper.

Discussion with the class followed by video clips

Group discussion

Types of organisational change such as planned and/emergent change

Q & A session

Presentation of Home work


·        Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Business


·        PowerPoint presentations supported by hand-outs for students

KU1,3 KU3, 9
         2. Drivers of change:

Consideration of internal and external drivers which could be based on a PEST and/or SWOT analysis


How to deal with change:

To include planned and emergent change, strategies for change and the Bohner and Arnold Change Impact Analysis



LO1. Compare ways in which change impacts on an organisation’s strategy and operations


P1 Compare different organisational examples where there has been an impact of change on an organisation’s strategy and operations.


M1 Assess the different drivers for change in each of the given examples and the types of organisational change they have


D1 Draw conclusions and

recommendations with valid justifications for planning effectively for change and applying change impact analysis (LO1 & LO2)

·         Class activities based on group tasks


·         Presentation


·         QA  session

Sample activities:

• Identify published research papers relating to organisational change and present key pointers to theclass.

• Discussion activity over different published papers.

• Research activity–identify an article or research paper relating to planning effective change and how to apply change impact analysis (CIA).


Sample activities:

• Students identify several factors that impact on organizational change strategies and CIA

• Group activity – research to present examples to demonstrate different drivers of change in a chosen scenario.


·        PowerPoint presentations supported by hand-outs for students




·        Group link through college portal.

TS6, CS4 & KU7
         3. Topic: Change and the impact on organisational behaviour:

Considering the psychological impact of change on people


How change impacts on team dynamics and how people are led and managed.


Topic: Recognising drivers of change:

Using analytical tools such as PEST and SWOT


Selecting the most significant drivers in a given context


LO2. Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on organisational behaviour

P2 Evaluate the ways in

which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviours within an organisation.


P3 Evaluate measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of change on organisational behaviour

M2 Apply appropriate theories and models to critically evaluate

organisational response to change

D1 Draw conclusions and

recommendations with valid justifications for planning effectively for change and applying change impact analysis (LO1 & LO2)

Class research finding report on how internal and external drivers of change


·         activities based on group tasks-

·         Presentation

·         How change impact on leadership, team and individual behaviours within an organisation

·        Assignment brief.

·        PowerPoint presentations supported by hand-outs for students

CS1, 6 & 7
         4. Assignment Brief.

Responding to drivers of change using various models/frameworks:

Using systems theory and continuous improvement models to predict and proactively plan for change


Using the Burke-Litwen model to make the change process efficient and effective



LO2. Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on organisational behaviour

P2 Evaluate the ways in

which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviours within an organisation.


P3 Evaluate measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of change on organisational behaviour

M2 Apply appropriate theories and models to critically evaluate

organisational response to change

D1 Draw conclusions and

recommendations with valid justifications for planning effectively for change and applying change impact analysis (LO1 & LO2)

·         Q & A session

Class research finding report on appropriate theories and models to critically evaluate

organisational response to change

·         .




·         activities based on group tasks

·         Presentation on application of Change Impact Analysis (CIA) and its justification

Home work

·        Assignment brief.

·        PowerPoint presentations supported by hand-outs for students

CS1, 6 & 7




LO1 & 2: Topic: LO1 & LO2


LO1 Compare ways in which change impacts on an organisation’s strategy and operations

LO2 Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on organisational behaviour


·         Group discussion


·         Q&A



·         Presentation

·        PowerPoint presentations supported by hand-outs for students


·        Assignment guidance notes



TS6, CS2, AS2 & KU1, 6
         6. Topic: Initiated or imposed change:

Deciding to be pre-emptive and proactive or responsive and reactive will be based on the situation and the nature/scope of the change.


Adaptive and constructive change


Topic: Barriers and resistance to change:

Using a force field analysis to understand likely opposition and support for change in a contemporary context


Schein’s organisational culture model, self-efficacy perceptions and situational resistance when determining barriers


LO3 Determine how barriers to change influence leadership decision-making


P4 Explain different barriers for change and determine how they influence leadership decision-making in a given organisational



M3 Use force field analysis to analyse the driving and resisting forces and show how they influence decision-making


D2 Critically evaluate the use of force field analysis in the context of meeting organisational objectives.

·         Q & A session

·         Team discussion

·         Presentation on

different barriers for change



Group Discussion and presentation: on

How barriers to change

influence leadership decision-making within an organisation


Home work

·        PowerPoint presentations supported by hand-outs for students KU7, AS3 &CS2
         7. Topic: Barriers and resistance to change:

Using a force field analysis to understand likely opposition and support for change in a contemporary context

Schein’s organisational culture model, self-efficacy perceptions and situational resistance when determining barriers


Topic: Leadership and decision-making:

Doing the right thing is important when dealing with change as change mostly affects people.


Decisions should be considered with this in mind.


LO3 Determine how barriers to change influence leadership decision-making


P4 Explain different barriers for change and determine how they influence leadership decision-making in a given organisational



M3 Use force field analysis to analyse the driving and resisting forces and show how they influence decision-making


D2 Critically evaluate the use of force field analysis in the context of meeting organisational objectives.

·         Team discussion

·         Presentation

The use of force field analysis to analyse the driving and resistance of change within an organisation


Q & A session

·        PowerPoint presentations supported by hand-outs for students CS5, TS3 & CS6
         8. Topic: Situational leadership:

The context of a task/activity/challenge determines the appropriate leadership style/approach.


Topic: Initiating change:

Where change is initiated then leaders have more control, more time and, therefore, more opportunity to select the best approach to apply.


When change is imposed then these opportunities are reduced or even negated.


LO4 Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative.

P5 Apply different leadership approaches to dealing with change in a range of organisational contexts


M4 Evaluate the extent to which leadership approaches can deliver

organisational change effectively applying appropriate models and



D3 Critically evaluate the

effectiveness of leadership

approaches and models of

change management


·         Group discussion in Class  and presentation

·         How different leadership approaches to dealing with change

Q & A session


Home work

·        PowerPoint Presentation

·        Online business articles

·        Articles  & journals covering Change in the business context and change management

KU2, CS1 & CS3
         9. Topic: Initiating change:

Where change is initiated then leaders have more control, more time and, therefore, more opportunity to select the best approach to apply.


When change is imposed then these opportunities are reduced or even negated

Topic: Change theories, concepts and models:

The key theories, concepts and models, including Kotter’s 8-step Change model, Lewin’s change management model, change through strategic communication, change and movement through leadership, the principles of change leadership



LO4 Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative.

P5 Apply different leadership approaches to dealing with change in a range of organisational contexts


M4 Evaluate the extent to which leadership approaches can deliver

organisational change effectively applying appropriate models and



D3 Critically evaluate the

effectiveness of leadership

approaches and models of

change management


·         Group discussion and presentation

How different leadership approach can effectively bring about

organisational change using appropriate models and



Q & A sessions


Home work

·        Lecture notes

·        PowerPoint

·        Printed articles on business and organisational change.

KU1, 4 & AS2


LO3 & 4: Topic: LO3 & LO4

LO3 Determine how barriers to change influence leadership decision-making


LO4 Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative

·         Class discussion






·         Individual feedback

·        Assignment guidance  notes





·        Printed articles

TS4, 5, 6 &10


CS3, KU6, CS7 & TS4

       11. Revision classes & Feedback on draft work produced  

LO1, 2, 3 & 4 (P1-5)

·         Students’ input for written element of Unit 17 assignment ·        PowerPoint presentations




·        Assignment brief







·        Feedback sheet

CS3, KU6, CS7 & TS4
       12. Revision classes &formative Feedback on draft work produced LO1, 2, 3 & 4 (P1-P5) ·         Students’ input for written element of Unit 17 assignment ·        PowerPoint presentations

·        Assignment brief

·        Feedback sheet

TS4, TS10 & TS8
       13. Formative and Summative Feedback LO1, 2, 3 & 4 (P1-P5) ·         Assignment scripts


·        Guidance notes

·        Feedback forms

TS4, TS10 & TS8
       14. Summative Feedback LO1, 2, 3 & 4 (P1-P5) ·         Assignment scripts


·        Guidance notes

·        Feedback forms

TS4, TS10 & TS8





WEEK Type of Assignment Contents
4 Formative TBA
8 & 12 Formative TBA
13 & 14 Summative TBA


TBA-To be Advised

Summary Grades & Assessment Methodologies

The teaching team is of the view that the use of a wide range of appropriate assessment methodsprovides alternative learning opportunities for many students with differing abilities to demonstratetheir ability.

Assessment methods include portfolio, case studies, group and individual presentations. FormativeAssessment takes place throughout the semester in the form of individual and group presentations,Q&A, individual task and personal tutorial.

Summative assessment takes place at the end of the semester with preparation of assignment and followed by individual feedback.

Cognitive skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, group discussions and independent study.This module is 100% assignment based.

Grades are awarded: Pass, Merit or Distinction

Summary Grades


In order to achieve a pass All learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria have been met
In order to achieve a merit Pass requirements achieved

All merit grade descriptors achieved

In order to achieve a distinction Pass and merit requirements achieved

All distinction  descriptors achieved



Recommended Resources


LEWIS, L. K. (2011) Organizational Change: Creating Change Through Strategic Communication. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

MEE-YAN, C-J. and HOLBECHE, L. (2015) Organizational Development: a

Practitioner’s Guide for OD and HR. London: Kogan Page.

NORTHOUSE, P. G. (2010) Leadership Theory and Practice. 5th Ed. London: SAGE.

PENDLETON, D. and FURNHAM, A. (2012) Leadership: All You Need to Know.

London: Palgrave Macmillan.

STANFORD, N. (2013) Organization Design: Engaging with Change. 2nd Ed.

London: Routledge.



Journal of Change Management

Journal of Organisational Change Management





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